Saturday, February 3, 2018

Kindergarten NEWS
 February 5-9

Upcoming Events
February 5-9 --SEP WeekHere is the schedule every day for the week, even on Early Out Wednesday!
8:50-10:50 for AM classes
12:30-2:30 for the PM classes

Monday, February 19:  President’s DayNo school

Early Literacy Idea
Be creative singing the alphabet songsing it as a rap, skip every other letter, sing it backwards, quietly or loudly.

Remember our reading goal is 15 minutes a night/five night a week.  Please read to your child and have him/her read to you!  This is so important!  Thanks for all you do!

         Thank you for your continued help and support at home.  I appreciate you doing homework, reading and providing other learning experiences for your child! 

         We will have our Valentine’s Party on Wednesday, Feb. 14th.  The students can bring Valentines to their classmates any time before that date.  There are 21 students in our class.  To avoid confusion, please do not have your child put individual classmates names on the Valentines, just have them sign their own name on the back of the Valentine or on the envelope.  It simplifies the “passing out” process so much!  THANK YOU!

         Please remember that this week is SEP Week.  The schedule is noted above.  I am excited to meet with each of you and your child.  

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