Thursday, December 10, 2015

Kindergarten NEWS
 December 14-18

Upcoming Events
Monday, Dec. 14:  Fluoride
Wednesday, Dec. 16: Library
Friday, Dec. 18--Class Christmas Pajama Party 
Monday, Dec. 21-Sunday, Jan. 3—Christmas Break--No School.

Weekly Theme:

Early Literacy Skill
Read a story to your child.  Afterwards, ask him/her to tell you the events of the story in order.  What happened in the beginning, middle and end?

We are having our class pajama Christmas party on Friday, December 18th.  Your child may wear pajamas that day. Thank you to those that signed up to bring items for our party!  I have attached a separate paper as a reminder to those who signed up.
         We are continuing to learn and progress in kindergarten!  I am excited about the growth each child continues to make.  I am enjoying each one of them and appreciate your support at home.
         Please continue to have your child practice writing his/her last name.  This is one of the requirements for our kindergarten curriculum later on in the year and if we start now, we will have it mastered.  Also, keep working on phone number, address and birthday if your child is unsure of these skills. 
         Remember to check the Lost and Found located in the room adjacent to the lunch room.  Thank you for all you do to help with your child’s education!  You are awesome!
MERRY CHRISTMAS!  Enjoy your holiday!

Monday, December 7, 2015

Kindergarten NEWS
 December 6-10

Upcoming Events
Monday, Dec. 7:  Fluoride

Wednesday, Dec. 9: Library
Monday, Dec. 21-Sunday, Jan. 3—Christmas Break--No School.

Weekly Theme:

Early Literacy Skill
Say a word and then ask your child to think of a word that rhymes with it.  For example:  rock/sock van/ran

         It is hard to believe that December is here already!  It is an exciting month for us at school!  There will lots of activities going on and we will be learning new things.  Please continue to make school a priority!  Thank you!
         If you are missing items that your child brought to school and has not returned, please check the Lost and Found in the room next to the lunchroom.  There is quite a collection!
         We are working on addition in our math program.  The students are enjoying using objects and drawings to solve addition equations and they are understanding the concept of adding two numerals together. 
         The students are getting really good at reading and writing consonant, vowel, consonant words and reading individual phrases:  cat on dog/ dog at vet/ dad in van, etc.
         Thank you again for all of your support at home and for sharing your amazing children with me!  Have a wonderful week!

Friday, November 20, 2015

Kindergarten NEWS
 Nov. 23-27

Upcoming Events
Monday, Nov. 23:  Fluoride
Wednesday, Nov. 25-Friday, Nov. 27:  Thanksgiving Break.  No school

Weekly Theme:

Early Literacy Skill
When reading familiar stories to your child, try stopping once in a awhile and let him/her fill in what comes next in the story.  This is a fun way to help with comprehension skills. 

         This is a short week because of the Thanksgiving holiday.  Remember school will be out on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.  Enjoy your holiday and have a wonderful time together! 
         We have been working hard on retelling stories.  Have your child tell you one of his/her favorite stories using words like, first, next, then and finally. 
         The sounds we have covered are: c, g, s, d, m, n, h, t, v, a, i, o.  Each child can segment these individual sounds and blend them together to make words using the pattern consonant, vowel, consonant.  (mad, tot, sit).
         In math, we will continue to focus on representing and comparing numbers 0-10.  We will then move on to addition.
         We will be learning about plants for the next few weeks including what plants need to live and grow, identifying the root, stem, branch, leaf, flower, fruit, and seed of a plant and the basic life cycle of plants.   
         Thanks again for sharing your amazing children with me and have a fabulous week!

Friday, November 13, 2015

Kindergarten NEWS
 Nov. 16-20

 Upcoming Events

Monday, Nov. 16:  Fluoride
Wednesday, Nov. 16:  Library
Thursday, Nov. 19:  P.E./Music
Wednesday, Nov. 25-Friday, Nov. 27:  Thanksgiving Break.  No school

Weekly Theme:

Early Literacy Skill
Help your child understand how books work.  As you read, point to words to show left to right, spaces between words, and word patterns.

         The students are getting so great at segmenting spoken words.  For example, when given the word /hat/ they can produce the segments /h/ /a / /t/.   They should also be able to read the following sight words: me, see, I, can, like, look, here, the, go, up.  We have practiced writing m, t, c, g, n, h, b, s, a, i, o and know the sounds of each of these letters.    Our CKLA program encourages the students to just say the sounds rather than the names of the letters.  Letter naming will come a little bit later.
         We have been learning a lot about folktales and fables.   Ask your child to tell you their favorite one we have read about so far!
           We have discovered many ways to make 10 with different number pairs.  We have learned about comparing numbers and figuring out how we can tell if one number is the same as, greater than, or less than another number.   
         Thanks again for sharing your amazing children with me and have a fabulous week!

Friday, November 6, 2015

Kindergarten NEWS
 Nov. 9-13

Upcoming Events
Monday, Nov. 9:  Fluoride
Wednesday, Nov. 11:  Library
Thursday, Nov. 12:  P.E./Music
Wednesday, Nov. 25-Friday, Nov. 27:  Thanksgiving Break.  No school

Weekly Theme:

Early Literacy Skill
Sing the alphabet song.  Be creative—sing it in a rap, skip every other letter, start the song beginning with the letter of your child’s name.  Sing it backwards, quietly or loudly. 

         Thank you for your continued support at home.  It is very helpful that the homework and reading books come back consistently.  You are wonderful parents.  It is exciting to see the progress your children are making!
         The students are doing a great job blending sounds together to make words.  They are making words with a consonant/vowel/consonant pattern.  (mad, dig, tag, cot, etc.)  We have been working on the following consonants: m, t, c, d, g, and the following vowels: a, i, o.  Any words you want to provide to help your child for additional practice using these sounds would be great!  Each child should also be able to form these lower case letters correctly.  Have your child write the numerals 0-10 for you as well! 
         As it starts getting colder, please make sure your child’s name is on his/her coat or jacket.  We do have a lost and found by the lunchroom if your child is missing one. 
         Thanks again and have a fabulous week!

Monday, November 2, 2015

Kindergarten NEWS
 Nov. 2-6

Upcoming Events
Monday, Nov. 2:  Fluoride
Wednesday, Nov. 4:  Library
Thursday, Nov. 5:  P.E./Music

Weekly Theme:

Early Literacy Idea
Play “I Spy” using initial sound clues.  For example, “I spy something that is green and starts with the sound /g/ (grass).

         Happy November!  Thanks again for sharing your wonderful children with me!  We have a super group and each child is progressing and contributing to our class.  Please remember to fill out the October calendar and send it back to school by Friday, Nov. 6th.  Your child can earn a free pizza certificate to Pizza Hut. 
         We are working hard and are becoming masters at blending sounds together to form words.  It has also been fun to learn about main characters, plot, and setting in stories.  Your child should be able to form numerals 0-8 correctly and tell you some attributes about them.
         Thank you to those who emailed me pictures of your child reading!  I would love to have more so please feel free to still do that!  THANKS!

         Have a nice week and as always, please feel free to contact me any time!