Friday, August 25, 2017

Kindergarten NEWS
 August 28-September 1

Upcoming Events

Monday, Aug. 28Library
Wednesday, Aug 30Art/AM Class
Thursday, Aug. 31P.E./Music
Friday, Sept. 1Art/PM Class
Monday, Sept. 4Labor Day/No School

Thank you so much for the school supplies donations!  It is greatly appreciated!

South Elementary is collecting box tops!  It is a great way to earn money for our school.  Please send your box tops with your child and have them bring them to our classroom.  THANK YOU!


         We have had a couple of great days in Kindergarten!  Your children are amazing and we are having fun learning!  Thank you for sharing them with me!  I am enjoying getting to know each one! 
         We are working on our routines and procedures and I am pleased with the progress we are making!  Please be sure to read with your child as much as possible.  Our goal in Kindergarten is 15 minutes a night, five nights a week.  Your student will be bringing home a monthly calendar for you to keep track of the minutes they either read to you or you read to them.  There are incentives for them to earn pizza certificates, prizes, etc. throughout the year.  Thank you for your support in helping your child have a wonderful learning experience.
         Enjoy your week!  Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns!