Friday, February 28, 2014

Kindergarten News
March 3-7
Upcoming Events
March 3-7—SEP Week

Mon. March 3—Fluoride

Wed. March 5—Library

Wed. May 21—Kindergarten End of        Year Program.  10:00 AM for the morning class and 12:45 PM for the afternoon class.  More details will follow as we get closer!

Weekly Theme:
Health & Nutrition

Early Literacy Idea
After reading a book to your child, have him or her retell important parts of a story including what happened at the beginning, middle and end.  This is a great comprehension strategy!
Please remember that kindergarten will be held from 8:50-10:50 for the morning class and 12:30-2:30 for the afternoon class every day during SEP week.  This is the schedule for Wednesday (Early Out Day) too! I look forward to meeting with each of you!
Because of SEP Week, Center times will change slightly for the PM class.  On Monday, Center time will be from 1:00-1:30, Wednesday from 1:30-2:00 and on Thursday from 12:45-1:15.  If you are unable to come, I understand!

Thank you for letting your child read to you!  Remember the goal for kindergartners is at least 15 minutes a day for 5 days a week for a total of 300 minutes a month.  Of course more is even better! 

The PTA is sponsoring the Book Fair during SEP Week.  It is a buy one get one free sale and will take place Monday, Tuesday from 2:00-6:00 PM and Wednesday, Thursday from 2:00-5:00 PM.
As always, please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns!

Friday, February 21, 2014

Kindergarten News
February 24-28

Upcoming Events
Mon. Feb. 24—Fluoride

Wed. Feb. 26—Library

March 3-7—SEP Week  (See schedule below)

Weekly Theme:
Human Body

Please keep collecting box tops and sending them to school with your student!  I appreciate your diligence in sending them in to help earn money for school supplies!

Remember SEP (Student Educational Planning) Week is the week of March 3-7. There will be a note in your child’s homework folder letting you know when your individual time is scheduled, which I hope is convenient for you. Look it over, sign it and return it with your child as soon as possible. Kindergarten will be held from 8:50-10:50 for the morning class and 12:30-2:30 for the afternoon class every day during SEP week.  This is the schedule for Wednesday (Early Out Day) too! 

Because of SEP Week, Center times will change slightly for the PM class.  On Wednesday, Center time will be from 1:30-2:00 and on Thursday from 12:45-1:15.

We have a student teacher in our room.  Her name is Mrs. Fullmer and she will be with us for the next five weeks.  She is doing a great job and the kids are responding well to her!

As always, please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns!

Monday, February 17, 2014

Kindergarten News
February 17-21

Upcoming Events
Mon. Feb. 17—President’s Day  (No school)

Tues., Feb. 18-21—Green Ribbon Week sponsored by the PTA  (Activities will be going on all week to encourage a healthy lifestyle)

Wed. Feb. 19—Library

March 3-7—SEP Week  (See schedule below)

Weekly Theme:
American Symbols

Early Literacy Idea
Have your child clap the syllables in different words.  For example, “ba-na-na” gets three claps.

This week we will continue discussing patriotism and American symbols.  SEP (Student Educational Planning) Week is coming up the first week in March. There will be a note coming home next week to let you know when your individual time is scheduled.  Kindergarten will be held from 8:50-10:50 for the morning class and 12:30-2:30 for the afternoon class every day during SEP week.  This is the schedule for Wednesday (Early Out Day) too! 

I look forward to meeting with each of you to discuss the progress of your child.  It is amazing to see what each one can do!  Reading at home and helping with homework make such a big difference.  You are a wonderful support to your precious kindergartner!

As always, please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns!

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Kindergarten News
February 10-14

Upcoming Events
Mon. Feb. 10—Fluoride

Mon., Feb. 10—PM Bus Garage Field Trip (2:00-3:00)

Wed. Feb. 12—Library

Wed. Feb. 12-  AM Bus Garage Field Trip  (9:00-10:00)

Fri. Feb. 12--Classroom Valentines Day Party

Mon. Feb. 17—President’s Day  (No school)

Weekly Theme:
Early Literacy Idea
Help your child notice print in the environment  (signs, displays, food, packages, cans, jars, and other every day items).
We will have our Valentines party on Friday, Feb. 14th.  The students can bring valentines to their classmates any time before then. Please do not have your child put individual classmates names on the Valentines, just have them sign their own name on the back of the Valentine or on the envelope.  It simplifies the “passing out” process so much!

We will also discuss patriotism and the birthdays of Presidents Washington and Lincoln.  We will highlight some of the things they did to contribute to our great country.  We will also be learning about American symbols. 

I love your children and each one has a special place in my heart.  Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns.