Thursday, December 13, 2012

Kindergarten News
 December 17-21

 Upcoming Events

Monday, December 17--Fluoride

 Thursday, December 20—Library, PE, Music

Friday, December 21—Computers

December 24-January 6—Christmas Vacation

Weekly Theme:

Holiday Traditions/Christmas

The kids are very excited about Christmas!  We are trying to keep everything as normal as possible and work hard on important skills.  We are especially having a good time learning about Christmas traditions and customs around the world. 
We will have Centers this week.  We will start just a few minutes early on some of the days because of the school “Sing Around the Christmas Tree” but just plan on coming at your regular times.  THANK YOU!
Thank you for spending time with your children and making school/academics a priority!  You are truly making a difference. 
Have a very merry Christmas and a wonderful holiday break.  Please contact me with any questions or concerns.


Thursday, December 6, 2012

Kindergarten News
December 10-14

Upcoming Events

Monday, December 10--Fluoride

Thursday, December 13—Library, PE, Music

Friday, December 14—Computers

December 24-January 6—Christmas Vacation
Weekly Theme:

Holiday Traditions/Christmas

Early Literacy Idea
Say a word and then ask your child to think of two or three words that rhyme with it.  For example:  rock/sock/block/lock

We are having a great time in kindergarten!  I am excited about the progress each child continues to make.  I am enjoying each one of them and appreciate your support at home. 
Please have your child practice writing his/her last name.  This is an important skill to know and it will be exciting to have child master writing both their first and last name.  Thank you for your help with this!
If your family has a holiday tradition/custom that you would like to share with our class, we would love it!  Just send a note or e-mail me and let me know.
Remember to check Lost and Found for any items you might be missing.  Any items left after Friday, December 21st will be taken to Deseret Industries.
Please let me know if you are willing to be the chairperson for our PM classroom Christmas party.  It will be on Friday, December 21st. 
Have a wonderful week and please contact me with any questions or concerns!


Friday, November 30, 2012

Kindergarten News
December 3-7

Upcoming Events

Monday, December 3--Fluoride

Thursday, December 6—Library, PE, Music

Friday, December 7—Computers

Monday, December 24- Sunday, January 6—Christmas Vacation

Weekly Theme:


Early Literacy Idea
When reading familiar stories to your child, try stopping once in a while and let him/her fill in what comes next in the story.  This is a fun way to help with comprehension skills.

It is hard to believe that December is here already!  It is an exciting month for us at school.  There will be many great things going on as we learn about different Christmas customs around the world.  Of course, our main focus is still on literature, writing, math and science so we will incorporate these subjects into our learning every day.  If you have music, poetry, stories, etc. that are unique to your family or culture and you would like to come into the classroom and share any time before Christmas, that would be wonderful!  Just send a note, e-mail, or call me and we’ll make the arrangements.  THANKS!
Please remember to send the November reading calendar back with your child by Monday, Dec. 3rd for another free pizza certificate.
If you are missing items that your child brought to school and has not returned, please check the Lost and Found in the room next to the lunchroom.  The custodians will be taking any items not picked up after Christmas to Deseret Industries.  Feel free to come and look for any lost items before that time.
I do not have a chairperson for our Christmas party in the PM class.  If you would be willing to do this, please let me know.  There are several who have signed up to help, so I just need a chairperson to organize it and give assignments.  THANKS!   
Thanks again for all you do to help ensure your child is having a successful school experience!


Monday, November 26, 2012

Kindergarten News
November 26-30

Upcoming Events

Monday, November 26--Fluoride

 Thursday, November 29—Library, PE, Music

Friday, November 30--Computers

Weekly Theme:

Money/Financial Literacy

Early Literacy Idea
Play “I Spy” using initial sound clues.  For example, “I spy something that starts with the sound “g” (grass).

I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving holiday!  Thanks again for those who helped with our classroom party and thank you to all of you for sharing your amazing children with me!  We have a super group of students and each one is progressing and contributing to our class.  I am impressed with their knowledge!  Thanks for helping and supporting them at home!

Your child should be ale to tell you the following sight words:  me, see, I, can, like, look, here, go, up, run, the, this.  Reviewing these words at home is once again a bonus for your child.

Next week we will begin a unit on the December holidays celebrated in various cultures and will celebrate the diversity of holiday traditions over the next few weeks.  If you have music, poetry, stories, etc. that are unique to your family or culture and you would like to come into the classroom and share any time before Christmas, that would be wonderful!  Just send a note, e-mail, or call me and we’ll make the arrangements.  THANKS!

Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns.  Have a great week!   


Thursday, November 15, 2012

Kindergarten News
November 19-23

Upcoming Events

Monday, November 19--Fluoride

Tuesday, November 20—Classroom Thanksgiving Party


Weekly Theme:


We will not have Centers the week of November 19th because of our Thanksgiving Break.  We will start again the week of November 26th.  Thank you to those who so diligently help with this!

This is a short week because of the Thanksgiving holiday.  We will continue with Thanksgiving activities and culminate the week with a Thanksgiving party on Tuesday.  Thank you to those who signed up to help!  We will notify you and let you know your assignment. Remember school will be out Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday.  Have a wonderful time together!
We have had fun learning about Native Americans and pilgrims and what life was like in early America. 
As part of the core curriculum, students need to know their phone number, address and birthday.  This is important information and very individualized.  Please help your child with this and if they cannot tell you these three things, please help them memorize it.  This is a huge help.  THANK YOU!   
Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns.  Have a great week!   


Thursday, November 8, 2012

Kindergarten News
November 12-16

Upcoming Events

Monday, November 12--Fluoride

Thursday, November 15—Library, P.E., Music

Friday, November 16—Computers 


Weekly Theme:

Traditions/Native Americans

We will not have Centers the week of November 19th because of our Thanksgiving Break.  We will start again the week of November 26th. 

Thank you for your continued support at home.  It is great that the homework and reading books come back consistently.  You are wonderful parents and it is exciting to see the progress your children are making!
The students are becoming great readers and writers!  We will finish up the letters and sounds next week.  Our poems for each letter of the alphabet are coming along as well and they are a great way to help with memorization skills.  The students are doing a super job with the numerals 0-10 and are excited to continue learning about two digit numerals.
As it starts getting colder, please make sure your child’s name is on his/her coat or jacket so we do not loose them.  Again, I encourage you to check the lost and found if your child is missing some articles of clothing.
If your child is ill or absent for any other reason, please call the office and excuse him/her.  This is for safety purposes—thank you for taking the time to do this!
I do not have a chairperson for the Thanksgiving party in the AM or PM classes.  If you are willing to do this, please contact me.  It will be held on Wednesday, Nov. 20th for 30-45 minutes.  Thank you!
 Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns.  Have a great week!   


Thursday, November 1, 2012

Kindergarten News

November 5-9

Upcoming Events

Monday, November 5--Fluoride

Thursday, November 8—Library, P.E., Music

Friday, November 9—Computers  


Weekly Theme:


Thank you for sending in box tops! Please continue to send them in.  It is a great way to earn money for our school! 

       We will have another Scholastic book order.  If you are interested in purchasing any books, please return the forms and money with your child by Monday, November 12th. Remember they do not accept cash so please just make one check to Scholastic Books.  You can also order and pay on line.   The website is  My code is: DY9MJ
       Your children are wonderful!  It is exciting to see the growth that each child is making!  They make me smile every day!  Thank you for your support at home.  As always, please feel free to contact me any time! 


Thursday, October 25, 2012

Kindergarten News
October 29-November 2

Upcoming Events

Monday, October 29— Fluoride

Wednesday, October 31—Halloween Party

Thursday, November 1—Library, P.E., Music

Friday, November 2—Computers 

Weekly Theme:


Thank you for sending in box tops! Please continue to send them in.  It is a great way to earn money for our school! 

Our first two weeks at Center-Time have gone well.  THANK YOU to those parents who are helping with this!  The students are enjoying working in small groups and are getting quality individual attention on important academic concepts. 

We have learned the letters A-Q.  Your child should be able to correctly identify and write upper and lower case of each of these letters and tell you the sound each one makes.  The sight words we have learned are: me, see, I, can, like, look, here, go.
We have reviewed numerals 1-9 and each student should be able to tell you what each number is and be able to write them correctly.  
 Our student teacher, Mrs. Pena, is doing a fantastic job with the students and is contributing to the success of our classroom.  She will be in our room until the end of November. 

Remember, we will have a party in our room on Halloween day, but costumes are not allowed at school. We will still have lots of fun and thank you to those who are helping with the party!

Please feel free to call or e-mail with any questions or concerns!  Have a great week!   
