Friday, September 22, 2017

Kindergarten NEWS
 September 25-29
Upcoming Events
Monday, Sept. 25:  Scholastic Book Orders due

Monday, Sept. 25:  PTA Family Movie Night5:00 and 7:00 PM at Fiddlers 6.

Oct. 2-6SEP Week.  Regular school hours for SEP Week are as follows:
AM students:  8:50-10:50
PM students:  12:30-2:30
This is the schedule every day for the weekeven on Early Out Wednesday.

Early Literacy Idea
Reinforce having your child write his/her name “the kindergarten way”beginning with a capital and all the rest of the letters written in lower case.  (With the exception of CamBree).

South Elementary is collecting box tops!  The first due date is on October 18. Please send your box tops with your child and have them bring them to our classroom.  THANK YOU!
         What delightful kindergarten students!  I am enjoying each one and appreciate your support at home!
         Units one and two in our CKLA program lay the foundation for students’ future reading and writing skills, part of which includes blending sounds to form words.  The students are getting really good at doing this! We are also practicing recognizing the initial sounds in their classmates’ names as well as initial sounds in other words.
         In math we are focusing on the numerals 0-5.  Ask your child what a five frame is and have them write the numerals 0-5 for you.  They can even draw a five frame for you and can draw circles inside to represent the numeral you ask them to produce. 
         Enjoy your week and thank you again for your support at home!  

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