Friday, September 8, 2017

Kindergarten NEWS
 September 11-15

Early Literacy Idea
Please reinforce having your child write his/her name the “kindergarten way”beginning with a capital and all the rest of the letters written in lower case.

South Elementary is collecting box tops!  The first due date is on October 18. Please send your box tops with your child and have them bring them to our classroom.  THANK YOU!
         Your children are wonderful! Thank you for sharing them with me.  I am a firm believer that parent/teacher communication is vital.  Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns you have.  Each student is making progress in every area of the curriculum.  I appreciate your support at home!  Thank you for reading with your child as well.  That is such a great way to help in the learning process.
         A homework folder will come home with your child on Monday.  Please help your child complete the packet and keep the folder at home until the following Monday (even if he/she completes it before that time).  A new homework packet will then be sent home and the procedure will continue throughout the year. 
         Enjoy your week and thanks so much for everything!

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