Saturday, April 7, 2012

Kindergarten News
April 9-13

Upcoming Events
Monday, April 9--Fluoride
Tuesday, April 10—Field Trip to SUU Farm
Thursday, April 12—Computers 
May 7-17—Kindergarten Assessments
Monday, May 14—School Wide Reading Celebration
Monday, May 21—Field Day
Thursday, May 24—Field Trip to Park Discovery

Weekly Theme:

Kindergarten Registration is on April 11th.  Please remind all of your family, friends and neighbors who have children coming to Kindergarten for the 2012-2013 school year to come on that date with their child’s immunization record and birth certificate.

        Our annual school wide Reading Celebration will be held on Monday, May 14th.   We want every child to be able to attend!  The requirements for attending this activity include:
  1. Returning the take-home library book (the one in the zip-lock bag) a minimum of three times a week.  If you have lost the book, the cost to replace it is $5.
  2. Returning the April reading calendar signed by a parent with at least 300 minutes read for the month.
If you are interested in requesting a teacher for your child for next year, the form is on line for you to fill out and return to Mr. Oldroyd.  He will only accept these requests during the first two weeks of April.

We will be presenting an End of Year Kindergarten program for parents and grandparents on Wednesday, May 23rd.  The morning classes will perform at 6:00 PM and the afternoon classes will perform at 7:00 PM.  Please mark your calendars and let grandparents know about it as well. More information will follow soon.

The last day of school is on Friday, May 25th.  All students will get to meet their first grade teacher for next year.  In order for this to happen, we need all students to attend the morning session of kindergarten from 8:50-10:50. This includes those who regularly attend the PM classes. (We are on an Early Out Schedule for that day).  There will be no Extended Day class so those students will come to Mrs. Ekker's and Mrs. Wood's classes only.

We are continuing to work hard at school to learn skills necessary for success in first grade.  Thank you again for your diligence at home! Also, please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns. 

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