Monday, January 30, 2012

Kindergarten News

Jan. 30-Feb. 3

Upcoming Events

Monday, Jan. 30—McDonald’s Fundraiser 6:00-8:00 PM
Monday, Jan. 30--Fluoride
Tuesday, Jan. 31—Library
Thursday, Feb. 2—Computers  
Friday, Feb. 3—Music/P.E.

Weekly Theme:
Day and Night

Thanks for collecting box tops and sending them in with your children.  It helps earn money for our school and is greatly appreciated!

Hooray, the assessments are completed and entered in the computer system!  Your child will bring a copy of the assessment results in his/her homework folder on Monday. Also, the reading calendar for February will come home with this week’s homework.  I wish I could meet with each of you individually and explain any questions you may have. Remember that if your child writes a letter or number backwards, it is not considered “mastered” even though reversals are “age appropriate” in kindergarten.  FSF stands for First Sound Fluency, PSF stands for Phoneme Segmentation Fluency and NWF stands for Nonsense Word Fluency.  Each is a timed one-minute test.
   Please return the completed January calendar with your child by Monday, February 6th.
Our school will be having a read-a-thon celebration towards the end of the year.  We are encouraging students to read on a consistent basis.  Please make sure to read with your child or have him/her read to you a minimum of 15 minutes a day, five days a week.  We will keep track of the leveled library books and reading calendars that are turned in consistently to determine who is eligible to attend the party. This is a fun, worthwhile motivator and we hope every student will meet the requirements to attend.  Please help your child accomplish this goal by supporting them in their reading!


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