Friday, April 29, 2016

Kindergarten NEWS
 May 2-6, 2016

Upcoming Events
Monday, May 2: Fluoride

Wednesday, May 4:  Library

Monday, May 16:  Kindergarten End of Year program.  10:30 for AM students and 2:30 for PM students

Weekly Theme:

Box Tops
Thank you to all those who bring in box tops!  You are greatly appreciated!  PLEAE KEEP SENDING THEM IN! There will be a grand prize-winner in May for the class that has collected the most throughout the year!

      Thank you for sharing your wonderful children with me!  I am enjoying each one so much!  We are going to stay busy until the very last day of school, which is on Friday, May 27th.  On that day, all students get to meet their first grade teacher.  In order for this to happen, both morning and afternoon classes will meet from 8:50-10:40/10:50.  From past experience, it works much more smoothly if we dismiss the PM class at 10:40 and the AM class at 10:50.  ALL PM STUDENTS WILL NEED TO BE PICKED UP IN OUR KINDERGARTEN CLASSROOM.  The AM students can go home as usual.  There will be no extended day on this day.  Thank you for changing your schedules accordingly.
         Remember to please let the office know if your child will not be attending South Elementary next year. Thank you!
         You are wonderful parents and I appreciate your support!  Please feel free to email or call with any questions or concerns! 


Monday, April 25, 2016

Kindergarten NEWS
 April 25-29, 2016

Upcoming Events

Monday, April 25: Fluoride

Wednesday, April 27:  Library

Monday, May 16:  Kindergarten End of Year program.  10:30 for AM students and 2:30 for PM students

Weekly Theme:

Early Literacy Skill
Encourage your child to write a letter to someone special in their lives.  Remind them to  begin with a capital letter at the beginning of each sentence, have spaces in between the words and end with an ending mark.

         Thank you for all you do to encourage a love of learning in your children!  This week we will continue to learn about the pilgrims coming to America, their challenges and many adventures.
         We will finish up our unit on 3-D shapes, review additional and subtraction and number writing.  The children will use positional words to describe the placement of real world shapes, which is an important part of developing their spatial sense. 
         Mr. Oldroyd will be putting class lists together this week.  Please let the office know if your child will not be attending South Elementary next year so he will not assign him/her a teacher.  Thank you!
         Have a wonderful week!


Friday, April 15, 2016

Kindergarten NEWS
 April 18-22, 2016

Upcoming Events
Monday, April 18: Fluoride

Wednesday, April 20:  Library

Monday, May 16:  Kindergarten End of Year program.  10:30 for AM students and 2:30 for PM students

Weekly Theme:


Early Literacy Skill
Have your children retell a story that you read to them.  Make sure they include what happens at the beginning, middle and end.

         Time is going so quickly!  We only have five weeks of school left and we will continue to learn pertinent skills to be ready for first grade.  Please continue to make school an important priority and have your students here so optimal learning can occur.
         It has been interesting to learn about Columbus and what motivated his voyage as part of our Language Arts program.  We will continue to learn about him as well as the voyage of the pilgrims 128 years later.  These are two important topics in the history of the United States and the kindergartners are being introduced to this a whole lot earlier than I ever was.  Be sure to ask them about it. 
         We finished our unit on 2-D shapes in math and now we will be talking about 3-D shapes.  We will be reviewing addition and subtraction as well.  Each child is getting good at skip counting by 2’s to twenty, and counting by 5’s and 10’s to one hundred. 
         Have a wonderful week!


Thursday, April 7, 2016

Kindergarten NEWS
 April 11-15, 2016

Upcoming Events
Monday, April 11: Fluoride

Wednesday, April 13:  Library

Monday, May 16:  Kindergarten End of Year program.  10:30 for AM students and 2:30 for PM students

Weekly Theme:

Early Literacy Skill
Have your children retell a story that you read to them.  Make sure they include what happens at the beginning, middle and end.

         If you have strong feelings about your child’s placement for first grade, please fill out a teacher request form completely.  You can find this form on line, using the school website or you can pick one up at the announcement station outside the main office door. There is a two-week window, April 4-15 for you to do this.  You may bring this filled out form to the office by April 15th.  No forms or requests will be considered after this date. Be sure to list your reasons and first/second choices. 
         Your kindergartners are such amazing readers and writers!  It has been exciting listening to them segmenting and blending words and becoming more and more fluent in their reading!
         Their math and science skills are pretty awesome too!  Thank you for your support at home and for making sure your child’s education is a top priority!  You are the best!  Have a fantastic week!


Friday, April 1, 2016

Kindergarten NEWS
 April 4-8, 2016

Monday, April 4: Fluoride

Wednesday, April 6:  Library

Monday, May 16:  Kindergarten End of Year program.  10:30 for AM students and 2:30 for PM students

Weekly Theme:

Early Literacy Skill
Have your child write /ng/ words: sing, king,  spring, song, long, thing, etc. 

         Spring is in the air!  As you read to your children, please ask them to predict what a story is about by looking at the pictures before you begin to read the book.  When you are finished, ask them if they were right.  Discuss how the story matches the pictures and remind them that they also need to have their pictures match the stories they write.

         Remember to keep track of your child’s reading for the Kite Festival as well as our class goal for a minimum of 15 minutes per night, 5 nights a week.
         Also, please remind them to keep their toys and candy at home.  These are a distraction and cause hurt feelings among other students.  THANK YOU!!
         Thank you again for your support!  ENJOY YOUR WEEK! 
