Thursday, October 26, 2017

Kindergarten NEWS
 October 30-November 3
Upcoming Events
Tuesday, Oct. 31--Please do not have your child wear a costume on that day.  We will still have a lot of fun at our party.  THANK YOU!

Wednesday, Nov. 22-Friday, Nov. 24Thanksgiving Holiday

Early Literacy Idea
Help your child develop comprehension skills by talking about the story and pictures. 

Remember our reading goal is 15 minutes a night/five night a week.  Please read to your child and have him/her read to you!  This is so important!  Thanks for all you do!
         It is exciting to see the students blending sounds together to form words.  They are understanding that a relationship exits between written letters and spoken sounds as well.
         We have learned the following sight words:  me, see, I, can, like, look, here, the, go.
         In math we are continuing to learn about a ten frame and that the top part is to be counted as the first five and then add on from there to make larger numerals. 
         We are excited for our Halloween party.  Thank you so much to our wonderful parent volunteers for doing it!  You are greatly appreciated!     

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