Friday, October 6, 2017

Kindergarten NEWS
 October 9-13
Upcoming Events
Monday, Oct. 23Harvest Holiday (No school)

Tuesday, Oct. 31--Please do not have your child wear a costume on that day.  We will still have a lot of fun at our party.  THANK YOU!

Early Literacy Idea
Help your child understand how books work.  As you read, point to words to show left to right, spaces between words, and word patterns.

South Elementary is collecting box tops!  The first due date is on October 18. Please send your box tops with your child and have them bring them to our classroom.  THANK YOU!
         It was wonderful to meet with each of you during SEP Week and discuss the progress of your amazing children! Thank you for making the effort to come and for being such a vital part of your children’s education!
         This week we will continue to orally blend sounds to form words, read and write short vowel CVC (consonant, vowel, consonant) words, and practice handwriting in our CKLA program.  We will also introduce “chaining”.  A chain is a series of words, sometimes including pseudo words or, nonsense words, that can be built by changing only one letter or spelling at a time.  For example:  dad, mad, mat, at, cat, cot, dot.
         In math, we are comparing sets of objects using direct comparison (matching) and counting the number in each set.  Using matching helps children visualize that when each object has a “partner” the sets have the same number.    Enjoy your week and please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns.     

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