Thursday, February 21, 2013

Kindergarten News
February 25-March 1

Upcoming Events
Monday, February 25--Fluoride

Thursday, Feb. 28—Library, P.E., Music

Friday, March 1—Computers

March 4-8—SEP WEEK

Wednesday, March 20—KINDERGARTEN REGISTRATION  12:30-3:00

Weekly Theme:
Human Body/

We will be having kindergarten registration on Wednesday, March 20th from 12:30-3:00 in the gym.  Please spread the word to those who have kindergartners attending South next year.

Our SEP (Student Education Plan) Week is March 4-8. I look forward to meeting with each of you to discuss the progress of your child.  You are a wonderful support to your precious kindergartner.  Your child will bring an individual meeting time home in his/her homework folder on Monday.  Please sign the paper and send it back with your child as soon as possible.  During that week, kindergarten will be held from 8:50-10:50 for the AM class and 12:30-2:30 for the PM class, even on Early Out Wednesday.

We have enjoyed our “Green Ribbon Week” and will continue talking about good health and nutrition skills.  We will discover and discuss ways they can be healthy and fit and how taking care of their bodies now can benefit them throughout their lives.

Please sign the reading calendar for February and return it with your child by Monday, March 4th.  Remember to keep track of the reading minutes both on the classroom calendar I send home each month and the “Kite Flight for Reading & Sight”.  Our school earns money for each calendar turned in at the event on April 27th, plus your child earns a free kite, book or movie pass.

Once again, please know that I enjoy teaching your child and seeing the growth he/she is making!  Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns.


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