Friday, September 16, 2011

Kindergarten News
September 19-23
Upcoming Events
Monday, Sept. 19—Fluoride
Monday, Sept. 19—Scholastic Book Orders due
Tuesday, Sept. 20—Library (Mrs. Ekker’s classes)
Tuesday, Sept 20— Computers (Mrs. Wood’s classes)
Thursday, Sept. 22—Library  (Mrs. Wood’s classes)
Thursday, Sept. 22—Computers  (Mrs. Ekker’s classes)
Friday, Sept. 23—P.E./Music
Weekly Theme:
Literacy Idea
Help your child notice the print in the environment (signs, displays, food packages, cans, jars, and other every day items).
We will work on the letters Ee, Ff, Gg this week.  Your child should be able to write both capital and lower case letters correctly and tell you the sound each letter makes.  We are having fun with our alphabet poems and drawing books as well.
Your child’s kindergarten assessment will come home in his/her homework folder on Monday. (This is the one that was done when you brought your child before Kindergarten started). The FSF portion stands for First Sound Fluency.  It is a one minute timed assessment where your child is asked to produce the beginning sounds of words.  Please look over the assessment and help reinforce the concepts at home that are not yet mastered.  Your support at home is so beneficial!
We are still focusing on rules and procedures in the classroom.  I wanted to explain how our classroom management works.  If a child is having trouble following the rules, he/she gets a clothespin on the green stoplight in the front of the room.  This is just a reminder.  If he/she needs two reminders, the clothespin goes to yellow and five minutes of recess is missed.  If three reminders are needed, he/she sits on “the thinking chair” in my office, away from the other children.  After a few minutes, I visit with him/her and ask if they are ready to join the class.  If your child gets to yellow or red, a note will come home.  Please sign the paper and return it to school the next day. I will also call about the red light. If the behavior does not improve after a period of time, you will be asked to meet with me and sign a behavior contract in order for your child to participate in the Skills Building Program.  Again, thank you for your support!


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