Saturday, September 10, 2011

Kindergarten News
September 12-16
Upcoming Events
Monday, Sept. 12—Back To School Bash  (5:30-8:00 PM)

Tuesday, Sept. 13—Library (Mrs. Ekker’s classes)
Tuesday, Sept 13— Computers (Mrs. Wood’s classes)

Thursday, Sept. 15—Library  (Mrs. Wood’s classes)
Thursday, Sept. 15—Computers  (Mrs. Ekker’s classes)

Friday, Sept. 16—P.E./Music
Weekly Theme:
Literacy Idea
Play with letters!  Magnetic letters are good for word play.  Also, let your child trace letters in sand, salt, rice, etc. as they say both the letter name and sounds.
We will work on the letters Cc, Dd, and Ee this week.  Your child should be able to write both capital and lower case letters correctly and tell you the sound each letter makes from A-E. We have also learned poems to go with the letters A and B and will learn the ones for C-E.  We have also practiced recognizing and writing the numerals 0-10.
 I would love it if you could help reinforce the fact that our names (with one or two exceptions) start with a capital and all the rest of the letters are lowercase.  Many of them are used to writing all capitals.  This is a hard habit to break, but I know if we work together, we can do it!
Please save your Box Tops!  They are found on many food items and other items that you purchase regularly.  Just cut them out and send them to school with your child.  Each box top collected is worth 10 cents for our school, so tell your relatives and friends to help with the collecting too!  There is a contest going on right now and the class with the most box tops collected wins a prize!
I will send our first book order home in your child’s homework folder.  If you would like to order books, please make one check to Scholastic Book Clubs.  (They do not accept cash.)  If you are interested, please return the order forms and check back with your child by Monday, Sept. 19th.
       THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT AT HOME!  Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns.  HAVE A GREAT WEEK!


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