Friday, September 30, 2011

Kindergarten News
October 3-7
Upcoming Events
Monday, Oct. 3-Friday, Oct. 7—SEP Week
Monday, Oct. 3—Fluoride
Tuesday, Oct. 4—Library
 Thursday, Oct. 6—Computers
Friday, Oct. 7—P.E./Music
 Monday, Oct. 17—Picture Re-takes
Weekly Theme:
Rocks/Non-living Things
Parent Volunteers
We will start Centers the week of October 10 th -14th.  If you signed up to help, I will give you the schedule in your child’s homework folder. Please let me know if I need to make any changes.  I appreciate your weekly commitment to help in the classroom!
We will work on the letters Kk and Ll this week as well as many writing projects.  We have learned the following sight words:  me, see, I, can, like, look.  Thank you with your help with the homework and for making school a top priority!
REMEMBER during SEP Week, (Oct. 3-7), we will not be having individual appointments for kindergarten students because of our assessments in August.  However, if you have concerns and you want to meet with me, I would love to do that.  Please just let me know.  I will be contacting some of you as well. AM students will meet every day from 8:50-10:50. PM students will meet from 12:30-2:30--even on Wednesdays for this week.
Please send back the September reading calendar filled out with the reading times for your child on Monday.  The new October calendar is coming home in the homework folder.
Picture retakes will be on Oct. 17th.  If you want re-takes for your child, send back the entire picture package on that day for a new picture to be taken.  If you missed pictures the first time, your child can have his/her picture taken on that day as well but you need to send the money with your child and include which packet you want to purchase.
Kindergarten is a great place to be and I am thrilled to have your children in my classroom.  Thanks again for your support at home.  Please feel free to contact me any time with questions or concerns!  Have a great week!

Friday, September 23, 2011

Kindergarten News
September 26-30
Upcoming Events
Monday, Sept. 26—Fluoride
Tuesday, Sept. 27—Library
Thursday, Sept. 29—Computers  
 Friday, Sept. 30—P.E./Music
Monday, Oct. 3-Friday, Oct. 7—SEP Week
Weekly Theme:
Thank you for sending in your box tops!  We have a great start and I hope they keep coming!
We will work on the letters Hh, Ii and Jj this week.  We have learned the following sight words:  me, see, I, can, like.  We have started writing in our journals and it is exciting to see the fun imaginations of your children.   We are getting really great at writing our numerals as well.
During SEP Week, (Oct. 3-7), we will not be having individual appointments for kindergarten students because of our assessments in August.  However, if you have concerns and you want to meet with me, I would love to do that.  Please just let me know.  I will be contacting some of you as well.  Remember that the students will be dismissed early, allowing me to more effectively plan and prepare our curriculum to meet the needs of your children.  AM students will meet every day from 8:50-10:50. PM students will meet from 12:30-2:30 even on Wednesdays for this week.
Your children are wonderful!  I am a firm believer that effective classroom management allows for optimal learning and that parent/teacher communication is vital so please feel free to call or e-mail me with any questions or concerns.  Thanks for your support!

Friday, September 16, 2011

Kindergarten News
September 19-23
Upcoming Events
Monday, Sept. 19—Fluoride
Monday, Sept. 19—Scholastic Book Orders due
Tuesday, Sept. 20—Library (Mrs. Ekker’s classes)
Tuesday, Sept 20— Computers (Mrs. Wood’s classes)
Thursday, Sept. 22—Library  (Mrs. Wood’s classes)
Thursday, Sept. 22—Computers  (Mrs. Ekker’s classes)
Friday, Sept. 23—P.E./Music
Weekly Theme:
Literacy Idea
Help your child notice the print in the environment (signs, displays, food packages, cans, jars, and other every day items).
We will work on the letters Ee, Ff, Gg this week.  Your child should be able to write both capital and lower case letters correctly and tell you the sound each letter makes.  We are having fun with our alphabet poems and drawing books as well.
Your child’s kindergarten assessment will come home in his/her homework folder on Monday. (This is the one that was done when you brought your child before Kindergarten started). The FSF portion stands for First Sound Fluency.  It is a one minute timed assessment where your child is asked to produce the beginning sounds of words.  Please look over the assessment and help reinforce the concepts at home that are not yet mastered.  Your support at home is so beneficial!
We are still focusing on rules and procedures in the classroom.  I wanted to explain how our classroom management works.  If a child is having trouble following the rules, he/she gets a clothespin on the green stoplight in the front of the room.  This is just a reminder.  If he/she needs two reminders, the clothespin goes to yellow and five minutes of recess is missed.  If three reminders are needed, he/she sits on “the thinking chair” in my office, away from the other children.  After a few minutes, I visit with him/her and ask if they are ready to join the class.  If your child gets to yellow or red, a note will come home.  Please sign the paper and return it to school the next day. I will also call about the red light. If the behavior does not improve after a period of time, you will be asked to meet with me and sign a behavior contract in order for your child to participate in the Skills Building Program.  Again, thank you for your support!


Saturday, September 10, 2011

Kindergarten News
September 12-16
Upcoming Events
Monday, Sept. 12—Back To School Bash  (5:30-8:00 PM)

Tuesday, Sept. 13—Library (Mrs. Ekker’s classes)
Tuesday, Sept 13— Computers (Mrs. Wood’s classes)

Thursday, Sept. 15—Library  (Mrs. Wood’s classes)
Thursday, Sept. 15—Computers  (Mrs. Ekker’s classes)

Friday, Sept. 16—P.E./Music
Weekly Theme:
Literacy Idea
Play with letters!  Magnetic letters are good for word play.  Also, let your child trace letters in sand, salt, rice, etc. as they say both the letter name and sounds.
We will work on the letters Cc, Dd, and Ee this week.  Your child should be able to write both capital and lower case letters correctly and tell you the sound each letter makes from A-E. We have also learned poems to go with the letters A and B and will learn the ones for C-E.  We have also practiced recognizing and writing the numerals 0-10.
 I would love it if you could help reinforce the fact that our names (with one or two exceptions) start with a capital and all the rest of the letters are lowercase.  Many of them are used to writing all capitals.  This is a hard habit to break, but I know if we work together, we can do it!
Please save your Box Tops!  They are found on many food items and other items that you purchase regularly.  Just cut them out and send them to school with your child.  Each box top collected is worth 10 cents for our school, so tell your relatives and friends to help with the collecting too!  There is a contest going on right now and the class with the most box tops collected wins a prize!
I will send our first book order home in your child’s homework folder.  If you would like to order books, please make one check to Scholastic Book Clubs.  (They do not accept cash.)  If you are interested, please return the order forms and check back with your child by Monday, Sept. 19th.
       THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT AT HOME!  Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns.  HAVE A GREAT WEEK!


Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Kindergarten News
September 5-9
Upcoming Events
Monday, Sept. 5—LABOR DAY (No School)

Tuesday, Sept. 6—Library (Mrs. Ekker’s classes)
Tuesday, Sept 6— Computers (Mrs. Wood’s classes)

Thursday, Sept. 8—Library  (Mrs. Wood’s classes)
Thursday, Sept. 8—Computers  (Mrs. Ekker’s classes)

Friday, Sept. 9—P.E./Music
             School Pictures
Weekly Theme:
“All About Me”/Self Esteem
Literacy Idea
Sing the alphabet song.  Be creative—sing it as a rap, skip every other letter, sing quietly, loudly, or backwards.
We had an exciting first week of school!  THANKS for sharing your wonderful children with me!  If you would be willing to send a box of your child’s favorite kind of crackers to share with the class, that would be helpful!
We will begin our Centers towards the end of September or first part of October.  I will let you know the exact date when it gets closer.  We are practicing our routine and making sure we understand the rules of the classroom before we get started with Centers. THANK YOU for volunteering to help!
We will spend two days on each letter of the alphabet.  The first day we talk about the letter, its sound and how to write it correctly.  We will also do one page in our alphabet book.  The second day we learn a poem for our poetry binder and draw an object beginning with that letter in our “I Can Draw It” books.
This year will be an exciting time for learning!  It has been a pleasure to get to know you and your child in our pre-assessment meetings and throughout the week.  Please feel free to call, email, or write me a note with any questions or concerns.  Thank you for your support at home!


Friday, September 2, 2011