Kindergarten News
October 3-7
Upcoming Events
Monday, Oct. 3-Friday, Oct. 7—SEP Week
Monday, Oct. 3—Fluoride
Tuesday, Oct. 4—Library
Thursday, Oct. 6—Computers
Friday, Oct. 7—P.E./Music
Monday, Oct. 17—Picture Re-takes
Weekly Theme:
Rocks/Non-living Things
Parent Volunteers
We will start Centers the week of October 10 th -14th. If you signed up to help, I will give you the schedule in your child’s homework folder. Please let me know if I need to make any changes. I appreciate your weekly commitment to help in the classroom!
We will work on the letters Kk and Ll this week as well as many writing projects. We have learned the following sight words: me, see, I, can, like, look. Thank you with your help with the homework and for making school a top priority!
REMEMBER during SEP Week, (Oct. 3-7), we will not be having individual appointments for kindergarten students because of our assessments in August. However, if you have concerns and you want to meet with me, I would love to do that. Please just let me know. I will be contacting some of you as well. AM students will meet every day from 8:50-10:50. PM students will meet from 12:30-2:30--even on Wednesdays for this week.
Please send back the September reading calendar filled out with the reading times for your child on Monday. The new October calendar is coming home in the homework folder.
Picture retakes will be on Oct. 17th. If you want re-takes for your child, send back the entire picture package on that day for a new picture to be taken. If you missed pictures the first time, your child can have his/her picture taken on that day as well but you need to send the money with your child and include which packet you want to purchase.
Kindergarten is a great place to be and I am thrilled to have your children in my classroom. Thanks again for your support at home. Please feel free to contact me any time with questions or concerns! Have a great week!