Friday, November 6, 2015

Kindergarten NEWS
 Nov. 9-13

Upcoming Events
Monday, Nov. 9:  Fluoride
Wednesday, Nov. 11:  Library
Thursday, Nov. 12:  P.E./Music
Wednesday, Nov. 25-Friday, Nov. 27:  Thanksgiving Break.  No school

Weekly Theme:

Early Literacy Skill
Sing the alphabet song.  Be creative—sing it in a rap, skip every other letter, start the song beginning with the letter of your child’s name.  Sing it backwards, quietly or loudly. 

         Thank you for your continued support at home.  It is very helpful that the homework and reading books come back consistently.  You are wonderful parents.  It is exciting to see the progress your children are making!
         The students are doing a great job blending sounds together to make words.  They are making words with a consonant/vowel/consonant pattern.  (mad, dig, tag, cot, etc.)  We have been working on the following consonants: m, t, c, d, g, and the following vowels: a, i, o.  Any words you want to provide to help your child for additional practice using these sounds would be great!  Each child should also be able to form these lower case letters correctly.  Have your child write the numerals 0-10 for you as well! 
         As it starts getting colder, please make sure your child’s name is on his/her coat or jacket.  We do have a lost and found by the lunchroom if your child is missing one. 
         Thanks again and have a fabulous week!

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