Saturday, October 24, 2015

Kindergarten NEWS
 Oct. 26-30

Upcoming Events
Monday, Oct. 26:  Fluoride
Wednesday, Oct. 28:  Library
Thursday, Oct. 29:  P.E./Music
Wednesday, Oct. 28-Friday, Oct. 30:  Red Ribbon Week
Friday, Oct. 30:  Classroom Halloween Party

Weekly Theme:

Remember our reading goal is 15 minutes a day/five days a week.  Please read to your child and have him/her read to you!  This is so important!  Thank you for all you do to help with your child’s education!

     Your child has learned about the sounds /m/, /a/, /t/, /d/, /o/, /c/.  We have blended these sounds together to make words such as mom, dot, tot, mad, dad.  We have also blended the sounds together to make silly words/nonsense words: dod, dom, om, mot (words that are not real, but can be blended just like real words).  Studies have shown the ability to read nonsense words are among the most accurate indicators of reading proficiency. 
      In math we have been learning about what a number means in terms of size and quantity and understanding the relative position of a number, (i.e. after 6 comes 7, etc).  The students are getting really good at comparing and identifying number sets and determining which set is greater, smaller or the same size.
    We will have “Red Ribbon Week” activities on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday that our wonderful PTA has planned for the students.  Please refer to the flier that will be in your child’s homework folder on Monday. 
     Our classroom Halloween party is on Friday.  Please remember that costumes are not allowed at school.   We will still have lots of fun!  Thank you again to those who are helping with this! 

As always, please feel free to contact me any time!

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