Kindergarten News
February 17-21
Mon. Feb. 17—President’s
Day (No school)
Tues., Feb. 18-21—Green
Ribbon Week sponsored by the PTA
(Activities will be going on all week to encourage a healthy lifestyle)
Wed. Feb. 19—Library
March 3-7—SEP Week (See schedule below)
Weekly Theme:
American Symbols
Early Literacy Idea
Have your child clap the
syllables in different words. For
example, “ba-na-na” gets three claps.
This week we will
continue discussing patriotism and American symbols. SEP (Student Educational Planning) Week is
coming up the first week in March. There will be a note coming home next week
to let you know when your individual time is scheduled. Kindergarten will be held from 8:50-10:50
for the morning class and 12:30-2:30 for the afternoon class every day during
SEP week. This is the schedule for
Wednesday (Early Out Day) too!
I look forward to
meeting with each of you to discuss the progress of your child. It is amazing to see what each one can
do! Reading at home and helping with
homework make such a big difference. You
are a wonderful support to your precious kindergartner!
As always, please
do not hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns!
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