Thursday, November 7, 2013

Kindergarten News
November 11-15

Upcoming Events
Mon. Nov. 11—Fluoride

Wed. Nov. 13—Library 

Nov. 27-Nov. 29—Thanksgiving Break

Weekly Theme:

Early Literacy Idea
Sing the alphabet song in a variety of ways—in a rap, skipping every other letter, backwards, quietly, loudly, etc.

Thank you for the continued support at home!  It is great that the homework and reading books come back consistently.  You are wonderful parents!  It is exciting to see the progress your children are making!

The students are becoming great readers, writers and mathematicians.  Be sure to ask them to read the following sight words to you:  me, see, I, can, like, look, here, the, go, up.  Also, ask them to recite a favorite poem or two from their poetry binders that we have diligently been working on.  The poems are a lot of fun and help with memorization skills. 

As it starts getting colder, please make sure your children’s names are on their coats and jackets so we don’t loose them.  There are several coats and jackets on the tables set up by the gym so if your child is missing one, please take a look and see if any belong to you.

Thanks again for everything you are doing to ensure your child’s success in school.  It is greatly appreciated.  Please feel free to contact me anytime!

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