Kindergarten News
January 28-February 1
Upcoming Events
January 28--Fluoride
January 31—Library, PE, Music
February 1—Computers
Weekly Theme:
Thank you for continuing to
send in box tops! Remember you can help
our school earn money also by turning in your Lin’s receipts and using your
Smith’s cards.
We are making progress with the kindergarten assessments
that will continue to take place for the next couple of weeks. Please make sure your child can write his/her
first and last name. The students will
also be assessed on their mastery of upper and lower case letters with no
reversals, recognizing and writing numerals to 20, graphing, simple addition,
and writing a sentence using a capital, spaces in between words, and ending with a period. I am looking forward to meeting with all of
you during SEP Week, which is the first part of March, to discuss and explain
each of these concepts in further depth.
Thank you for your support and help from home. Of course, please feel free to contact me
before that time with any questions or concerns.
We will have our Valentines party on Thursday, February
14th. The students can bring
Valentines to their classmates Monday-Wednesday of that week. We have 23 students in the AM class and 18
students in the PM class. To avoid
confusion, please do not have your child put individual classmates names on the
Valentines, just have them sign their own name on the back of the Valentine or
on the envelope. It simplifies the “passing out” process so much!
Thank you for sharing your wonderful children with
me! Each one holds a special place in my
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