Thursday, January 24, 2013

Kindergarten News
January 28-February 1

Upcoming Events
Monday, January 28--Fluoride

Thursday, January 31—Library, PE, Music

Friday, February 1—Computers

Wednesday, March 20—KINDERGARTEN REGISTRATION  12:30-3:00

Weekly Theme:

Thank you for continuing to send in box tops!  Remember you can help our school earn money also by turning in your Lin’s receipts and using your Smith’s cards.

We are making progress with the kindergarten assessments that will continue to take place for the next couple of weeks.  Please make sure your child can write his/her first and last name.  The students will also be assessed on their mastery of upper and lower case letters with no reversals, recognizing and writing numerals to 20, graphing, simple addition, and writing a sentence using a capital, spaces in between words, and ending with a period.  I am looking forward to meeting with all of you during SEP Week, which is the first part of March, to discuss and explain each of these concepts in further depth.  Thank you for your support and help from home.  Of course, please feel free to contact me before that time with any questions or concerns. 
We will have our Valentines party on Thursday, February 14th.  The students can bring Valentines to their classmates Monday-Wednesday of that week.  We have 23 students in the AM class and 18 students in the PM class.  To avoid confusion, please do not have your child put individual classmates names on the Valentines, just have them sign their own name on the back of the Valentine or on the envelope. It simplifies the “passing out” process so much!
Thank you for sharing your wonderful children with me!  Each one holds a special place in my heart.  


Thursday, January 17, 2013

Kindergarten News
 January 21-27

Upcoming Events

Monday, January 21—Martin Luther King Holiday   NO SCHOOL

Thursday, January 24—Library, PE, Music

Friday, January 18—Computers

Wednesday, March 20—KINDERGARTEN REGISTRATION  12:30-3:00

Weekly Theme:
 Ocean Life

Early Literacy Idea
Provide “real” reasons to write:  lists, letters, cards, journals, etc.

We were able to get the majority of the students’ DIBELS assessments completed.  We will finish up the first of the week for those who were absent.  We will now start the Kindergarten Assessment and current reading levels and will let you know the results when all of the assessments have been completed.  Each student is progressing. 
In addition to our academic learning, we have been working hard on social skills (life skills).  Sharing, taking turns, not tattling, treating others with respect and other important every day attributes are improving as the year goes forward.  Thank you for all you do at home to reinforce these important skills!
Enjoy your week and thank you for sharing your wonderful children with me! 


Thursday, January 10, 2013

Kindergarten News

January 14-18

Upcoming Events
Monday, January 14--Fluoride

Thursday, January 17—Library, PE, Music

Friday, January 18—Computers

Monday, January 21—Martin Luther King Holiday   NO SCHOOL

Weekly Theme:


Early Literacy Idea
Encourage your child to write the names of the people in your family.  Drawing a picture to go along with the names is fun too.

Please read our blogs regularly to find out pertinent information concerning our classroom/school news.  The address is  Once there, click on “Schools”, then “South”, then “Teachers” and then click on our names or pictures.  Thank you for keeping current on our happenings!
We are reviewing skills in preparation for the next DIBELS (Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills) assessment. These skills include: letter recognition, beginning sounds, nonsense words) for example: ig, xup, taf) and segmenting words (for example: the tester says, “Tell me each sound you hear in “hat”0 and the student would say h/a/t.  Each segment of the assessment is timed for fluency.  The students will also be given the next portion of the Kindergarten Assessment and will be given their current reading levels.
Thank you for your cooperation with the new safety procedures at our school.  As part of this, all volunteers will need to check in at the front office and receive a volunteer badge and return it to the office when you leave. THANK YOU! 
During our PE time this week, Miss Taylor is letting each child bring one toy from home to play with.  Please make sure it is something that will not get broken.  Have a wonderful week! 

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Kindergarten News
January 7-11

Upcoming Events

Monday, January 7--Fluoride

Thursday, January 10—Library, PE, Music

 Friday, January 11--Computers

Monday, January 21—Martin Luther King Holiday

Weekly Theme:

Please ask your child to tell you his/her address, phone number and birthday.

Thank you so much for the nice gifts, cards, and remembrances.  I appreciate each of you and your thoughtfulness!  I hope you had an enjoyable, relaxing Christmas break and I also want to wish you a Happy New Year!  January will be a great learning time for us in kindergarten.  Your children are progressing nicely.  Thanks for your support at home. 

Please send back the December reading calendar by Monday for the pizza certificate.  Remember our goal for kindergarten is 15 minutes a night, 5 nights a week.

We are reviewing skills in preparation for the next DIBELS (Dynamic Indicators of Basic Literacy Skills) assessment that will take place the middle of January.  These skills include beginning sounds in words,  letter naming, reading nonsense words, (for example: ig, xup, taf) and segmenting words (for example, the tester says, “Tell me each sound you hear in “hat” and the student would say, h/a/t.  Each portion of the test is a one minute timed assessment to determine fluency. 

One of the students in our class lost his black "Old Navy" coat with his name on the inside.  If your child brought it home by mistake, please return it to the school and I will make sure it is returned to the student.  THANK YOU!  

Thanks again for all you do to help ensure your child is having a successful school experience.  You truly make a difference!
