Friday, October 28, 2011

Kindergarten News
October 31-November 4
Upcoming Events
Monday, Oct. 31—Classroom Halloween Party
Monday, Oct. 31--Fluoride
Tuesday, Nov. 1—Library
Thursday, Nov. 3—Computers
Friday, Nov. 4—P.E./Music
Weekly Theme:
Remember our reading goal is 15 minutes a night/five nights a week.  Please read to your child and have him/her read to you!  The “Take Home Library” books and the “Three books in the bag” are great resources to use in helping to achieve this goal!
We are excited for our classroom Halloween party.  THANK YOU to the mothers who have volunteered to do this!  Remember we are not allowed to wear costumes, but if your child wants to wear orange and black, that would be great.
We will re-assess your child soon on the skills that were given when we met individually in August. Here is a list of skills that each child needs to know:
·      Recite alphabet
·      Spell name out loud and recognize name
·      Distinguish between words and letters
·      Write first name correctly
·      Recognize and write numbers 0-10 with no reversals
·      Count out loud to 10
·      Identify square, circle, triangle, rectangle
·      Identify the 8 basic colors
It will be exciting to see their growth!  Each child is progressing
and I appreciate your support at home, especially with the consistent reading!
As always, please feel free to contact me any time!

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