Friday, March 31, 2017

Kindergarten NEWS

 April 3-7

Upcoming Events
Monday, April 3:  Fluoride

Thursday, April 6: P.E./Music

Tuesday, April 11:  Field Trip to
C-A-L Ranch Store

April 17-April 23:  SPRING BREAK

Friday, May 19:  End of Year Kindergarten Program

Friday Treat

Early Literacy Idea
After reading a story, have your child describe characters, setting, and events from the book.

      It has been great learning about trapezoids, hexagons, circles, squares,  triangles, and rectangles and how many vertices they have.  We are also learning about how they are the same and how they are different.
         In science learned about the parts of a plant. Ask your child to tell you about the flower, leaf, stem and root.
         The students continue to practice their reading and writing skills and they are becoming quite the little readers and authors!
          Please remember that our End of Year Kindergarten Program will be held on Friday, May 19th at 10:30 AM.  This will be for ALL kindergarten students!  We will combine both AM and PM classes!  If your student attends Extended Day Kindergarten, they will not have class in the afternoon on that day.  If your student is in Mrs. Ekker’s PM class, they will come in the morning that day and will not have class in the afternoon.  School begins at 8:50. At the conclusion of the program, parents are welcome to take their students home for the remainder of the day.
         Enjoy your week and thank you for your support!     

Monday, March 27, 2017

Kindergarten NEWS
 March 27-31

Upcoming Events
Monday, March 27:  Fluoride

Thursday, March 30: P.E./Music

Tuesday, April 11:  Field Trip to
C-A-L Ranch Store

Friday, May 19:  End of Year Kindergarten Program

Friday Treat

Early Literacy Idea

Have your child write “ng” words and have him/her read them to you.  (sing, king, ring, Spring, thing)

        We are going on a fun field trip on April 11th to the C-A-L Ranch store for their “Chick Days Tours”. A permission slip will come home for you to sign in the next week or so, but we are sure excited about it!  We will be walking to and from the store so let’s hope we have nice weather. J
         I also wanted to let you know so you can plan ahead that our End of Year Kindergarten Program will be held on Friday, May 19th at 10:30 AM.  This will be for ALL kindergarten students!  We will combine both AM and PM classes!  If your student attends Extended Day Kindergarten, they will not have class in the afternoon on that day.  If your student is in Mrs. Ekker’s PM class, they will come in the morning that day and will not have class in the afternoon.  School begins at 8:50. At the conclusion of the program, parents are welcome to take their students home for the remainder of the day.  
         Enjoy your week and thank you for your support!     

Monday, March 20, 2017

Kindergarten NEWS
 March 20-24

Upcoming Events
Monday, March 20:  Fluoride

Thursday, March 23: P.E./Music

Friday Treat
AM: Aiden Leko

Early Literacy Idea
Have your child predict what a story will be about by looking at the pictures on the cover page and throughout the book.

         The students will continue to learn about both sounds for the digraph /th/ (voiceless as in three, bath, thin) and /th/ (voiced as in this, the, that).  We will also add the /qu/ and /ng/ spellings.
         In math, we are learning about geometry by focusing on shapes and positions.  We are better understanding that numbers are connected to geometry as we look at two and three-dimensional shapes. Working with shapes strengthens student’s spatial sense as well as connecting other areas of the curriculum such as art, science and social studies.
         Thank you for sharing your amazing children with me!  I enjoy each one of them and am so excited to see their growth from the beginning of the year!  Thank you for your support at home!
         Take Care!  

Monday, March 13, 2017

Kindergarten NEWS

 March 13-17

Upcoming Events
Monday, March 13:  Fluoride

Thursday, March 16: P.E./Music

Friday Treat
AM:  Julie Dastrup

Early Literacy Idea
Say words one at a time and have your child touch his/her nose if it begins with the /ch/ sound.  (chair, sun, moon, cheese, chase,  boat, chips, etc.)  They love it when you cannot “trick” them with any words!

         We are having fun learning about the sounds /ch/ and /sh/.  The students know they are “letter teams” and they work together as a team to make one sound. 
         Our unit on seasons is going well as we learn from our pretend pen pal, Annie, (from Washington DC) all about the characteristics of the four seasons of the year.
         For math, we will continue to learn about number sense and counting by tens and fives.  For a challenge, you could ask your students how many fingers are on four hands.J
         Thanks again for all you do to make your child’s education a priority!  You are all greatly appreciated and I sure love working with your amazing kids!
         Have an awesome week!     

Friday, March 3, 2017

Kindergarten NEWS

 February 6-10

Upcoming Events

Monday, March 6:  Fluoride

Thursday, March 9-Friday, March 10:  Teacher Training Days—No school for students

Remember no school on Thursday and Friday!

Early Literacy Idea
Say a word and then ask your child to think of 2 words that rhyme with it.

         Please remember to keep track of the minutes your child is reading or you are reading to him/her.  The March calendar should have come home with your student in the homework folder last week so you can record the minutes read on that calendar and on the Kite Flight for Sight calendar as well.  Our goal is 15 minutes a night/5 days a week.  Of course even more minutes is better!  THANK YOU!!
         In math, we are discovering how to model, represent and count 20 with objects.  We are also comparing numbers one through twenty. 
         For science our unit is on earth and space.  This week we discovered how rocks break down to smaller rocks, then into pebbles and finally into sand. 
         It is exciting to see the students reading and writing words!  Our focus has been on rhyming words this week.  They are continually getting better at nonsense words as well. 
         Thank you for sharing your awesome kids with me!  They are such a joy!  Have a wonderful week and let me know if you have any questions or concerns!      