Saturday, January 28, 2017

Kindergarten NEWS
 January 30-February 3

Upcoming Events
Monday, January 30-Friday, Feb. 3SEP WeekRemember AM Kindergarten will be held from 8:50-10:50.  PM from 12:30-2:30 even on Wednesday!

Monday, January 30:  Fluoride

Thursday, February 2:  P.E./Music

Friday Treat Day Assignment
Friday, Feb. 3:

Early Literacy Idea
Ask your child to write a simple sentence that they think of themselves.  Encourage them to segment and blend the sounds they hear in each word and to begin with a capital, end with a punctuation mark and use finger spaces in between words. 

          We are continuing to work on our goal of having every student master our Guaranteed and Viable Kindergarten Standards and I look forward to meeting with each of you and your wonderful child at your SEP scheduled times.
·  “I can identify and write numbers from 0-20.”
·  “I can read 20 sight words.”
·  “I can write a sentence using a capital at the beginning, punctuation at the end and spaces in between.”

         Each student is progressing and learning the skills needed to be ready for 1st grade.   

         Have a wonderful week and thanks again for your support!  

Friday, January 20, 2017

Kindergarten NEWS
 January 23-27

Upcoming Events
Monday, January 23:  Fluoride

Thursday, January 26  P.E./Music

Monday, January 30-Friday, Feb. 3SEP Week   (AM Kindergarten will be held from 8:50-10:50.  PM from 12:30-2:30 even on Wednesday! 

Friday Treat Day Assignment
Friday, January 27:

Early Literacy Idea
Ask your child to write simple words by segmenting and blending the sounds they hear in each word.

         This year we have been asked to choose three standards that we want every student to master.  They are called our “Guaranteed and Viable Kindergarten Standards” and they are:
1.    “I can identify and write numbers from 0-20.”
2.   “I can read 20 sight words.”
3.   “I can write a sentence using a capital at the beginning, punctuation at the end and spaces in between.”

         Of course our curriculum includes much more than these three standards, but we will highlight these each day and inform the students why we are learning the things we are and how they will help them now and in the future.

         Have a wonderful week and please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns!  Thanks for your support!

Monday, January 16, 2017

Kindergarten NEWS
 January 16-20

Upcoming Events
Monday, January 16 Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday—(No school)

Thursday, January 19:  P.E./Music

Monday, January 30-Friday, Feb. 3SEP Week   (AM Kindergarten will be held from 8:50-10:50.  PM from 12:30-2:30 even on Wednesday! A notice of your individual time for us to meet will come home next Monday.

Friday Treat Day Assignment
Friday, January 20
AM Class:
PM Class:

Early Literacy Idea
After reading a book to your child, have them retell the important parts of the story.  Ask them what happened at the beginning, middle and end.

         I hope you enjoyed your Martin Luther King Jr. holiday! Thank you so much for collecting box tops and sending them in with your children.  It helps earn money for our school and is greatly appreciated!
         We will finish up with the assessments of each of the students this week and look forward to discussing the results with you at your child’s SEP conference.  Please bring your child with you when you come at your appointed time.  THANK YOU! 
         Have a wonderful week and please call or email with any questions or concerns.  Thank you for your support and for making school a priority!  I love working with your children!

Friday, January 6, 2017

Kindergarten NEWS

 January 9-13

Upcoming Events
Monday, January 9:  Fluoride
Thursday, January 12:  P.E./Music

Friday Treat Day Assignment
Friday, January 13
AM Class:  Haley Garrett
PM Class:  Jeralyn Jacobs

Early Literacy Idea
Help your child develop comprehension skills by having him/her predict what a story will be about by looking at the pictures on the cover page and other pages in the book.

          We had a great week back in school and the children are adjusting well after the long break.  January is a good learning month and I am excited to see the continued progress of your wonderful children.  Each one is improving! 
         In our Language Arts program, the students are practicing “chaining” various words by changing one letter to make a different word. For example: pun, pan, tan, ban, bat, bet, wet, web. 
         For math, we are learning how to represent subtraction within 10.  We are discussing that the minus symbol is used to stand for the words take away, subtract, and minus.
         Have a nice week and thank you again for your support!

Monday, January 2, 2017

Kindergarten NEWS
 January 2-6

Upcoming Events
Thursday, January 5:  P.E./Music

Friday Treat Day Assignment
Friday, January 6
AM Class: Kailyn Ward
PM Class: Jake Dodds

Early Literacy Idea
Help your child develop comprehension skills by talking with them about the story and the pictures.

         Happy New Year!  I hope that you had an enjoyable, relaxing, Christmas break!  January will be a great learning time for us in kindergarten.  Your children are progressing nicely and the support at home is very beneficial.  Please remember to send back the December reading calendar filled in and signed. 
         We will be reviewing skills in preparation for the DIBELS (Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills) assessment that begins in a little over a week.  These skills include:  letter recognition, beginning sounds, nonsense words (for example: ig, xup, taf) and segmenting words (for example: the tester says, “Tell me each sound you hear in “hat” and the student would say h/a/t.  Each portion of the assessment is timed for one minute. 
         Thanks again for all you do to help ensure your child is having a successful school experience.  You truly make a difference!