Thursday, October 27, 2016

Kindergarten NEWS
 October 31-November 4

Upcoming Events

Monday, Oct. 24:  Fluoride and Library

Thursday, Nov. 3: P.E./Music  (Remember to have your child wear shoes appropriate for P.E.)

Friday, Nov. 4: Classroom Halloween Party (No costumes please)

Friday Treat Day Assignment
Nov. 4 — AM Class: Nicole Goms
PM Class: Fiona Flowers

Early Literacy Idea
Provide “real” reasons to write; lists, letters, cards, journals, etc.

          Our classroom Halloween party will be on Monday.  Please do not have your child wear a costume to school.  We will have an awesome party and still have lots of fun!!
         We have been practicing writing our letters correctly in our CKLA program and have worked on the following letters:  m, a, t, d, o, c, g, i.  Please have your child write them for you.  We have also learned 7 sight words: me, see, I, can, like, look, here.  The majority are words that the students just have to memorize because they are not spelled phonetically. Sight words appear frequently in written print and it is important that the students know them.
         I hope your children are telling you about our science projects that we do each Wednesday.  They are becoming quite the little scientists!
         We will complete Chapter 3 in our “Go Math” program in the next day or two.  Look for your child’s scores to be coming home soon. 
         Thank you for all you do at home!  I love your children and enjoy seeing them succeed.  As always, please feel free to contact me anytime!

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Kindergarten NEWS
 October 24-28

Upcoming Events

Monday, Oct. 24:  Fall Break Holiday (No School)

Thursday, Oct. 27: P.E./Music  (Remember to have your child wear shoes appropriate for P.E.)

Friday Treat Day Assignment
Oct. 28 — AM Class: Hollie Jewkes
PM Class: Danielle Lindstrom

Upcoming Events

Monday, Oct. 24:  Fall Break Holiday (No School)

Thursday, Oct. 27: P.E./Music  (Remember to have your child wear shoes appropriate for P.E.)

Early Literacy Idea

Provide a variety of writing materials for your child to explore writing:  pencils, papers, crayons, markers, chalk, etc.

 I hope you had a great Harvest Holiday!  Thanks again for sharing your amazing children with me.  They are such awesome kids!
 Each student should be able to identify a circle, square, triangle and rectangle.  Please ask your child to do this for you! 
 We have worked hard at segmenting and blending sounds together to form words and the students are getting better and better at it.
 Our next two chapters in math include becoming familiar with the numerals 8, 9, and 10—comparing sets of objects, making pairs, representing more than and less than, equal to, etc.
 Have a wonderful week!  Thanks for your support!

Friday, October 14, 2016

Kindergarten NEWS
 October 17-21

Upcoming Events

Monday, Oct..17: Fluoride and Library

Thursday, Oct. 20: P.E./Music  (Remember to have your child wear shoes appropriate for P.E.)

Monday, Oct. 24:  Fall Break Holiday (No School)

Friday Treat Day Assignment
Oct. 21 — AM Class: Lacey McGarvey
PM Class: Jeralyn Jacobs

Early Literacy Idea
Give your child many opportunities to discuss and tell stories.

      It has been a great week and the students are doing well in all areas of the curriculum!
       We have learned the sight words me, see, I, can.  Make sure to ask your kindergartner to read these words for you! The students are able to also read phonetically by using letter-sound correspondences.  For example if we start with the word mat, remove the m, it becomes at.  If we put a c at the beginning, it becomes cat, etc.
         In math we are continuing to learn about whether the number of objects in one group is greater than, less than, or equal to the number of objects in another group by using matching and counting strategies.  Also, we are becoming experts at writing the numerals 0-10 correctly.
         Thank you for your support at home!  Have a fabulous week!  As always, please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns.


Monday, October 10, 2016

Kindergarten NEWS
 October 10-14

Upcoming Events

Monday, Oct. 10: Fluoride and Library (Sorry for the confusion about fluoride!  Today is actually the first day.)

Thursday, Oct.13: P.E./Music  (Remember to have your child wear shoes appropriate for P.E.)

Friday Treat Day Assignment
Oct. 14 — AM Class: Carly Caarothers
PM Class: Tabitha Lund

Early Literacy Idea
Ask open-ended questions that require more than a “yes” or “no” answer.  Ask “what if” questions.

          Thank you all for coming to your SEP appointments!  It was wonderful to visit with you and discuss the progress of your children.  I am thrilled to have each one of them in my classroom!
         We have started learning sight words.  These are words that appear often in the written language and most of them are not written phonetically.  The two we have learned so far are: me, see.  Ask them to sing the songs that go along with these words. 
         It has been exciting to see the students comparing numerals 0-5 and comprehending what “greater than”, “less than” and “equal to” mean.
         The students are quite the scientists!  Be sure to ask them on Wednesday what the learned about in science this week!
         Thanks again for your support at home!  Enjoy your week!


Saturday, October 1, 2016

Kindergarten NEWS
 October 3-7
Upcoming Events

Monday, Oct. 3: Friday, Oct. 7:  SEP Week  (See further information below)

Monday, Oct. 3: Fluoride and Library

Thursday, Oct. 6: P.E./Music  (Remember to have your child wear shoes appropriate for P.E.)
Friday Treat Day Assignment
Oct. 7 — AM Class: Carleigh Corey
PM Class: Katie Rollins

Early Literacy Idea
Have your child retell the important parts of the story.

          Remember the Kindergarten students will have the following schedule every day (including Wednesday) for SEP Week, Oct. 3-7.
·      8:50-10:50 AM students
·      12:30-2:30 PM students
·      8:50-2:30 Extended Day students
         We are having a great time learning and I am excited to share more information with you during SEP Week.
         Please send back the filled-in, signed September reading calendar.  Reading aloud to your child is fundamental to his/her learning to read and being excited about reading!  Our goal is 15 minutes, five nights a week.  Of course, more is even better! J
         Have a wonderful week!