Friday, February 26, 2016

Kindergarten NEWS
 February 29-March 4, 2016

Upcoming Events
Monday, Feb. 29:  Scholastic Book Order due. 

Monday, Feb. 29: Flouride

Wednesday, March 2:  Library

Weekly Theme:
Kings and Queens

Early Literacy Skill
Have your child produce rhyming words.  Say a word and then see how many rhyming words they can think of in a thirty second time frame. 

         It is hard to believe how fast the year is going!  Thanks for sharing your wonderful children with me.  I enjoy each one of them so much!  We are learning important skills in each area of the curriculum and I am excited that each child is reading!  I am also thrilled that they know the numbers 0-20 and are understanding the concept of adding on from any given number. 
         You may return the February reading chart with your student at any time.  Please make sure you sign it and fill in how many minutes were read on each day.  Just as a reminder, please also continue to fill out the calendar for the “Kite for Reading and Sight” so we can earn money for our school!
         Thanks for all you do!  I appreciate your support and help in making your child’s learning so successful! 


Friday, February 19, 2016

Kindergarten NEWS
 February 22-26, 2016

Upcoming Events
Monday, Feb. 22: Flouride

Wednesday, Feb. 24:  Library

Monday, Feb. 29:  Scholastic Book Order due.

Weekly Theme:
Kings and Queens

Early Literacy Skill
Have your child clap the syllables in different words.  (For example, “tur-tle” gets two claps). 

         I hope you all had a relaxing holiday for President’s Day! It works out nicely that we happen to be talking about kings and queens in our Language Arts program and the differences between presidents, rulers, and other leaders around the world.
         We will be having Kindergarten Registration on Wednesday, March 23 from 12:30-3:00 in the gym.  Please spread the word to those who have kindergartners attending South next year.
         Once again, please know that I enjoy teaching your children and seeing the growth they are all making.  Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns.

Friday, February 12, 2016

Kindergarten NEWS
 February 15-19, 2016

Upcoming Events
Monday, Feb. 15: President’s Day--No School
Wednesday, Feb. 17:  Library

Weekly Theme:

Kings and Queens

Early Literacy Skill
Help your child notice the print in the environment (signs, displays, food packages, cans, jars and other every day items).

         The students are doing well with segmenting and blending words and it is exciting to see them reading books!  We will continue to work hard on these skills and also learn more about rhyming words. 
         Our focus in math will be mastering the numbers 11-20. We will do lots of activities with manipulatives and also continue to practice forming these numbers correctly. 
         We will be having Kindergarten Registration on Wednesday, March 23 from 12:30-3:00 in the gym.  Please spread the word to those who have kindergartners attending South next year.
         Thank you for your support and help at home and for making school an important part of your child’s life!  You are greatly appreciated!


Friday, February 5, 2016

Kindergarten NEWS
 February 8-12, 2016

Upcoming Events
Monday, Feb. 8:  Fluoride
Wednesday, Jan. 10: Library
Monday, Feb. 15—President’s Day:  No School

Weekly Theme:
Native Americans


      I sure enjoyed meeting with each of you during SEP’s!  Thank you for making the effort to come and thanks also for your continued support at home!  I appreciate you doing homework, reading, and providing many other learning experiences for your child.  We will continue to work hard at school and learn new concepts as they relate to the curriculum and life skills. 
         We will have our Valentines party on Friday, February 12th.  THANK YOU to those who volunteered to help with this!  The students can bring Valentines to their classmates any time before then.  There are 23 students in the morning class and 19 students in the afternoon class.  To avoid confusion, please do not have your child put individual classmates names on the Valentines, just have them sign their own name on the back of the Valentine or on the envelope.  It simplifies the “passing out” process so much!  THANK YOU!
         The students will not be required to make up the Snow Day.  The acting State Superintendent is exempting us from needing to have students come another day. 