Friday, January 22, 2016

Kindergarten NEWS
 January 25-29 2016

Upcoming Events
Monday, Jan. 25:  Fluoride
Wednesday, Jan. 27: Library
Monday, Feb. 1-Friday, Feb. 5—SEP Week (Notice the shortened schedule times below).

Weekly Theme:

Early Literacy Skill
Ask your child to tell you his/her address, phone number and birthday.

         Remember that Student Education Planning (SEP) Conferences will be held during the week of February 1st-5th.  School will be dismissed at 2:30 every day, including Wednesday.  Kindergarten will be held from 8:50-10:50 for the morning students and 12:30-2:30 for the afternoon students. 
        Please look for your individual appointment times coming home with your students on Monday in their homework folders and return the papers as soon as possible.
        Thank you for your support at home!  I am looking forward to meeting with each of you!  
        Have a wonderful week and let me know if you have any questions or concerns.

Saturday, January 16, 2016

Kindergarten NEWS
 January 18-24 2016

Upcoming Events
Monday, Jan. 18-Martin Luther King Day—No School

Wednesday, Jan. 20: Library
Monday, Feb. 1-Friday, Feb. 5—SEP Week (Notice the shortened schedule times below).

Weekly Theme:

Early Literacy Skill
Help your child develop comprehension skills:
·      Talk with your child about the story and pictures.
·      Have your child predict what a story will be about.
·      Have your child retell the important parts of the story.

         The students are working hard in every area of the curriculum and I am emphasizing the importance of always doing nice, neat work and making sure it is their best.
        It will be exciting to start learning about subtraction in our Go Math program as well as finishing up on the sounds of the letters of the alphabet with our language arts program.
         Thank you for collecting box tops and sending them to school with your children.  It is a great way to help earn money for our school.
        As always, thank you again for all you are doing to help with your child’s education.  I can’t emphasize enough the importance of reading with your child and having him/her read to you!

Monday, January 11, 2016

Kindergarten NEWS
 January 11-15, 2016

Upcoming Events
Monday, Jan. 11:  Fluoride
Wednesday, Jan. 13: Library
Monday, Jan. 18-Martin Luther King Day—No School
Monday, Feb. 1-Friday, Feb. 5—SEP Week (Notice the shortened schedule times below).

Weekly Theme:

Early Literacy Skill
Encourage your child to write the names of the people in your family.  Drawing pictures to go along with the names is fun too!

         We had a great week back in school and the students are adjusting well after the long break.  January is a good learning time and I am excited to see the continued progress of your wonderful children! 
        Miss Taylor, the P.E. teacher, is allowing the students to bring one favorite toy/game to P.E. on Thursday.  Please make sure it is something that can fit inside a backpack, does not break easily and does not have small pieces that can get lost.  THANK YOU!
          Just a head’s up:  We are having SEP Week in February this year.  I will be sending a notice home in a couple of weeks to let you know when your scheduled appointment will be. We are on a shortened schedule that week as well; 8:50-10:50 for AM students and 12:30-2:30 for PM students, even on Early Out Wednesday.
        A big thank you for your support at home!  I appreciate your diligence and your efforts in helping your child have a successful school experience! 

Monday, January 4, 2016

Kindergarten NEWS
 January 4-8, 2016

Upcoming Events
Monday, Jan. 4:  Fluoride
Wednesday, Jan. 6: Library
Monday, Jan. 18-Martin Luther King Day—No School

Weekly Theme:

Early Literacy Skill
Please ask your child to tell you his/her address, phone number and birthday!

         THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH for the nice gifts, cards and remembrances!  I appreciate each of you and our thoughtfulness!
         Happy New Year!  I hope that each of you had an enjoyable, relaxing Christmas break!  January will be a great learning time for us in kindergarten!  Your children are progressing nicely.  Thank you for your support at home.  Please send back the December reading calendar for your child’s pizza certificate.  Remember our goal for kindergarten is 15 minutes a night, 5 nights a week.
         We will continue to review the letter sounds, segmenting, and blending words as well as reading and forming “nonsense words”. Reading nonsense words is a good indicator to see if students are able to decode words they are not familiar with.  For example, “ig”, “bab”, “tef”, etc.  We will practice addition with numerals up to 5, and forming numbers and letters correctly.
         Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.  Have a wonderful week and thank you for sharing your children with me!  