Thursday, September 24, 2015

Kindergarten NEWS

 Sept. 28-Oct. 2

Upcoming Events
Wednesday, Sept. 30: Library

Thursday, Oct. 1:  P.E./Music

Monday, Sept. 28-Friday, Oct. 2:  SEP Week.  School is dismissed at 2:30 every day, including Wednesday!  Please notice the explanation below in the “News” section.

Weekly Theme:
Blending Sounds and Syllables/Writing 0-5


Our PTA is wonderful!  Stay updated on school events by texting: @southel to 81010 or send a blank email to  Also, “like” South Elementary PTA on Facebook.

Kindergarten is a great place to be!  Your children are doing well and are making progress in every area of the curriculum.  I appreciate your support at home.  I hope they are sharing what they are learning at school with you. 

During SEP Week (September 28-Oct. 2), we will not have individual appointments because of our assessments in August when we met with each of you and your kindergartner.  However, if you have concerns and you want to meet with me, I would love to do that!  Please just let me know.  Students will still be dismissed early, allowing me to more effectively plan and prepare our curriculum to meet the needs of individual students.  AM students will come to school from 8:50-10:50 and PM students will come from 12:30-2:30 even on Wednesday for just this week.  The students in the Extended Day program will be dismissed at 2:30 daily.

Saturday, September 19, 2015

Kindergarten NEWS
 Sept. 21-25

Upcoming Events

Monday, Sept. 21:  Library

Wednesday, Sept. 23:  Library

Thursday, Sept. 24:  P.E./Music

Friday, Sept. 25:  School Pictures

Monday, Sept. 28-Friday, Oct. 2:  SEP Week.  School is dismissed at 2:30 every day, including Wednesday!

Weekly Theme:
Nursery Rhymes/Poetry

Please reinforce having your child write his/her name the “kindergarten way”—beginning with a capital and all the rest of the letters written in lower case.  THANK YOU!

During SEP Week (September 28-Oct. 2), we will not have individual appointments because of our assessments in August when we met with each of you and your kindergartner.  However, if you have concerns and you want to meet with me, I would love to do that!  Please just let me know.  Students will still be dismissed early, allowing me to more effectively plan and prepare our curriculum to meet the needs of individual students.  AM students will come to school from 8:50-10:50 and PM students will come from 12:30-2:30 even on Wednesday for just this week.  The students in the Extended Day program will be dismissed at 2:30 daily.  Again, thank you for your support!

Friday, September 11, 2015

Kindergarten NEWS
 Sept. 14-18

Upcoming Events
Monday, Sept. 14:  Fluoride

Monday, Sept. 14:  Scholastic Book Order due.  You can put your order in on line.

Friday, Sept. 25:  School Pictures

Weekly Theme:
Nursery Rhymes/Poetry

Early Literacy Idea
Play with letters.  Magnetic letters are good for word play!  Also, let your child trace letters in the sand, salt, rice, etc. as they say both the letter name and sounds.

       Oh how I enjoy your children!  Thank you for sharing them with me! We have worked hard on establishing a routine and effective classroom management skills so optimal learning will occur with each child.  Le me explain how our classroom management works.  If a student is disrupting the rest of the class, he/she gets a clothespin on the green stoplight.  This is just a reminder.  If he/she needs two reminders, the clothespin is moved to yellow and five minutes of recess is missed.  If three reminders are needed, he/she sits on the “power chair” away from the other children.  After a few minutes, I visit with him/her and ask if they are ready to join the class again. If there is still a problem, he/she will visit with Mr. Oldroyd and it will be determined if the Skills Building program is needed.  Your child will bring home a paper for you to sign if he/she was on the red stoplight that day.  I will also contact you so we can further discuss how we can work together to improve the behavior.  Thank you for your support!
        Have a wonderful week and please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns.

Saturday, September 5, 2015

Kindergarten NEWS
 Sept. 7-11

Upcoming Events
Monday, Sept. 7:  LABOR DAY/No School

Wednesday, Sept 9:  Library

Saturday, Sept. 12:  Back to School BASH ‘N SPLASH!  6:00—8:00 at the Aquatic Center

Monday, Sept. 14:  Scholastic Book Order due (Information will be sent home on Tues. in your child’s homework folder).

Friday, Sept. 25:  School Pictures

Weekly Theme:
Nursery Rhymes/Poetry

Save your Box Tops!
Please remember to send in box tops with your child.  Each box top is worth 10 cents for our school, so please tell your relatives and friends to help with the collecting too!  It is a great way to earn money for our school.  THANKS!

        Wow, what a great group of kindergartners!  We have had an awesome first week of school!  Thank you for sharing your children with me!  Each one has a special place in my heart already!  I love being with them and seeing them learn and grow!
        We have worked hard on establishing a routine and effective classroom management skills so optimal learning will occur with each child.  Thank you for your support at home! 
        Your child will bring home his/her homework folder on Tuesday, Sept. 8th.  This is the homework that goes back and forth from school to home on a weekly basis. You do not need to return the Go Math practice sheets from the book I sent home a few days ago.  This is just for you to use as your child needs additional support from home.  You do not need to send back any papers from our new Language Arts program either.
        Thanks again for your involvement with your children’s education!  It is greatly appreciated!