Kindergarten NEWS
March 30-April 3
Upcoming Events
Monday, March 30--Fluoride
Tuesday, March 31--Classroom Easter PartyWednesday, April 1-Friday, April 3—Spring Break. NO SCHOOL
Weekly Theme:
Non-living things--wind
End of Year Program
Our Kindergarten End of Year
Program will be on Friday, May 15th at 10:30 AM for the morning
classes and 2:30 PM for the afternoon classes.
Time is going so quickly! We only have eight weeks of school left! I love these kids and I will miss them when
they go. We will be doing lots of
important learning during these last weeks.
Please continue to make school an important priority. Every child has made remarkable improvements
since the beginning of the year. Thank
you for your support at home—it is greatly appreciated!
I will be placing a Scholastic book
order in a couple of weeks. I will send the flyers home in your child’s
homework folder. It will be done on line
and that information is also on the flyers. The order will close on Monday,
April 13th.
Please return the march reading
calendar with your child’s reading time recorded on it for the free pizza. Remember our goal is 15 minutes a night for
five nights a week (300 minutes a month).
THANKS for all you do! Please call with any questions or concerns.