Friday, April 25, 2014

Kindergarten News
April 28-May 2, 2014
Upcoming Events
Mon. April 28—Fluoride
Wed. April 30—Library 
Mon. May 5—Reading Celebration
Fri. May 9—“Move It” Day
Wed. May 21—Kindergarten End of Year Program. 
Fri. May 23—Last day of school

Weekly Theme:
Living Things/

End of Year Program 
Our End of Year Program will be on Wednesday, May 21st.  10:00 AM for the morning class and 12:45 PM for the afternoon class.

      Time is going so quickly! We will be doing lots of important learning these last weeks of school, including our DIBELS and Kindergarten assessment. We are going to stay busy until the last day of school, which is on Friday, May 23rd.  On that day, both morning and afternoon classes will meet from 8:50-10:30/10:40.  We need to do it this way in order to allow all students the chance to meet their 1st grade teachers.  We appreciate you changing your schedules accordingly. From past experience, it works much more smoothly if we dismiss the PM students at 10:30 and the AM students at 10:40.  All PM students need to be picked up in the kindergarten classroom.  The PM buses will not be running that day. Also, there is no Extended-day on that day.
         Mrs. Stucki, our school librarian wants all library books returned this week so she can begin her inventory.  The last day take home library books will be sent home is Thursday, May 8th.
         We appreciate the PTA for all of their time and hard work!  Please help us support them with the “Let’s Get Moving” pledges returned by Friday, May 2nd.
Have a wonderful week and please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns!

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Kindergarten News
April 14-18 2014

Upcoming Events
Mon. April 14—Fluoride
Wed. April 16-Fri. April 18—Spring Break
Tues. April 22—SUU Farm Field Trip
Wed. May 21—Kindergarten End of Year Program. 

 Weekly Theme:
Living Things/

 End of Year Program 
Our End of Year Program will be on Wednesday, May 21st.  10:00 AM for the morning class and 12:45 PM for the afternoon class.

We are excited about the School Wide Reading Celebration on Monday, May 5th, which will take place during school hours. Please keep track of the minutes your child reads to you and you read to them each week and return the slip inside your child’s homework folder on Mondays.  The kids are excited about earning a donut party if we are the top class in total minutes—so read, read, read!
Because of Spring Break, we will not have Centers on Monday, April 14th or Tuesday, April 15th.  Thank you to those who have volunteered to help with our Easter party on April 15th!  If you signed up, a note or phone call will be coming soon to let you know your assignment.  THANKS SO MUCH EVERYONE WHO WILL BE HELPING!
We have rescheduled our field trip for Tuesday, April 22nd.  Keep your fingers crossed for good weather!
Have a wonderful week and please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns!

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Kindergarten News
 April 7-11 2014
Upcoming Events
Mon. April 7—Fluoride
Wed. April 9—Library
Wed. April 16-Fri. April 18—Spring Break
Tues. April 22—SUU Farm Field Trip
Wed. May 21—Kindergarten End of Year Program. 

Weekly Theme:
Living Things/

End of Year Program 
Our End of Year Program will be on Wednesday, May 21st.  10:00 AM for the morning class and 12:45 PM for the afternoon class.
We are excited about the School Wide Reading Celebration on Monday, May 5th, which will take place during school hours. Please keep track of the minutes your child reads to you and you read to them each week and return the slip inside your child’s homework folder on Mondays.  The kids are excited about earning a donut party if we are the top class in total minutes—so read, read, read!

Because of Spring Break, we will not have Centers on Monday, April 14th or Tuesday, April 15th.  Thank you to those who have volunteered to help with our Easter party on April 15th!  If you signed up, a note or phone call will be coming soon to let you know your assignment.  THANKS SO MUCH EVERYONE WHO WILL BE HELPING!

We have rescheduled our field trip for Tuesday, April 22nd.  Keep your fingers crossed for good weather!

Have a wonderful week and please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns!