Kindergarten News
September 2-6
Sept. 2—Labor Day (No school)
Wednesday, Sept. 4--Library
Wednesday, Sept. 4--Library
Sept. 5—P.E./Music
Sept. 9—Fall Pictures
Sept. 9—“Back To School Bash” sponsored by the PTA
Weekly Theme
“All About Me”/
Self Esteem
Save your Box Tops!
remember to send in box tops with your child.
Each box top is worth 10 cents for our school, so please tell your
relatives and friends to help with the collecting too! It is a great way to earn money for our
school. THANKS!
have had a great first week of school!
Thank you for sharing your children with me! I want to remind you of the importance of
checking my blog at least weekly to see what is happening in our
classroom. It will be updated every
Monday and will save Mrs. Smith, our school secretary, many calls from parents
asking about dates and times of activities going on. Again our website is: Once there, click on “Teachers”,
then click on my name.
have worked hard on establishing a routine and effective classroom management
skills so optimal learning will occur with each child. Let me explain how our classroom management
works. If a student is disrupting the
rest of the class, he/she gets a clothespin on the green stop light at the
front of our room. This is just a
reminder. If he/she needs two reminders,
the clothespin is moved to yellow and five minutes of recess is missed. If three reminders are needed, he/she sits on
the “thinking chair” in my office, away from the other children. After a few minutes, I visit with him/her and
ask if they are ready to join the class again. If there is still a problem,
he/she will visit with Mr. Oldroyd and it will be determined if the Skills
Building program is needed. Your child
will bring home a paper for you to sign if he/she was on the yellow or red
stoplight that day. I will also contact
you so we can further discuss how we can work together to improve the behavior.
Thank you for your support!
a wonderful week and please contact me with any questions or concerns!