Friday, February 24, 2012

Kindergarten News

Feb. 27-March 2

Upcoming Events
Monday, Feb. 27--Fluoride
Tuesday, Feb. 28—Library 
Thursday, March 1—Computers  
Friday, March 2—Music/P.E.
Monday, March 5-Friday, March 9—SEP WEEK

Weekly Theme:

Early Literacy Ideas
When you are finished reading a book to your children, or after they read a book to you, ask them questions about it to help develop good comprehension skills.  For example, “What is this book mostly about?”  “What happened at the beginning, middle and ending of this story?”  “What do you remember about _______?”
SEP Week is March 5-9.  A form will be sent home in your child’s homework folder on Monday.  Please see if the scheduled time works for you and let me know by returning the form back to school with your child as soon as possible.  I look forward to meeting with each of you to discuss the progress of your child.

School will be dismissed at 10:50 for the AM class and 2:30 for the PM class during SEP week.  This will be the schedule even on Early Out Wednesday!  Students who attend the PM class will attend from 12:30-2:30.  The buses will run as usual.

Once again, please know that I enjoy teaching your child and seeing the growth he/she is making.  Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns!

Friday, February 17, 2012

Kindergarten News

Feb. 20-24

Upcoming Events
Monday, Feb. 20—President’s Day
Tuesday, Feb. 21—Library 
Thursday, Feb. 23—Computers 
Friday, Feb. 24—Music/P.E.

Weekly Theme:

Early Literacy Ideas
Have your child clap the syllables in different words.  (For example, all-i-ga-tor gets four claps.)

Thank you for the fun Valentine gifts!  I appreciate you thinking of me.
We have had a great time learning aout patriotism, American Symbols and Presidents George Washington and Abraham Lincoln.
     We have learned over twenty-five kindergarten sight words and will continue to learn more and more.  As part of the assessment, students are required to read at least twenty-five of these high frequency words.  If you would like an additional copy of the words we have learned, I would be happy to get one to you.  Please just let me know. 

SEP Week is coming up the first week in March.  I look forward to meeting with each of you to discuss the progress of your child.  It is amazing to see what each one can do!  Reading at home and helping with homework makes such a big difference.  Please continue to read daily with your child and send the take-home library books back and forth from school to home on a daily basis.  You are a wonderful support to your precious kindergartner!  Once again, please know that I enjoy teaching your child and seeing the growth he/she is making.  Please feel free to contact me with any questions ro concerns!

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Kindergarten News

Feb. 13-17

Upcoming Events
Monday, Feb. 13—Fluoride
Tuesday, Feb. 14—Library
Tuesday, Feb. 14—Classroom Valentine’s Day Party
Thursday, Feb. 16—Computers  Friday, Feb. 17—Music/P.E.
Monday, Feb. 20—President’s Day

Weekly Theme:
American Symbols

Early Literacy Ideas
·      Read rhymes, poetry, nursery rhymes and stories that “play” with language
·     Sing songs together and do finger plays

Just a reminder--Our Valentines Party will be on Tuesday, Feb. 14th.  The students can bring Valentines to their classmates any time before then.  We have 17 students in the AM class and 20 students in the PM class.  To avoid confusion, please do not have your child put individual classmates names on the Valentines, just have them sign their own name on the back of the Valentine or on the envelope.  It simplifies the "passing out" process so much!

We will continue to learn about American symbols, patriotism, and the birthdays of Presidents Washington and Lincoln.  We will discuss some of the things they did to contribute to our great country. 

The students are working hard and I am impressed with their diligence at following directions and participating in the learning activities and trying to do their best.

We are especially concentrating on our writing skills.  Please encourage your child to write stories at home too by (1)saying the word they want to write slowly, (2)stretching out the word, (3)listening for each sound, (4)writing down the sounds they know, (5)trying their best.  Do not worry if they do not spell each word correctly.  We call this “kid writing” or “phonetic spelling” which helps them not to be intimidated by being able to spell everything absolutely perfect!  Of course I always model correct spelling when we write together as a class.  They will eventually spell the words correctly as they progress throughout the learning process.

Thank you for your continued help and support at home!  Please continue to read books with your child and have him/her read to you.  This makes such a difference in their success at school!  I love your children.  Each one has a special place in my heart!  Please contact me with any questions or concerns.