Monday, January 30, 2012

Kindergarten News

Jan. 30-Feb. 3

Upcoming Events

Monday, Jan. 30—McDonald’s Fundraiser 6:00-8:00 PM
Monday, Jan. 30--Fluoride
Tuesday, Jan. 31—Library
Thursday, Feb. 2—Computers  
Friday, Feb. 3—Music/P.E.

Weekly Theme:
Day and Night

Thanks for collecting box tops and sending them in with your children.  It helps earn money for our school and is greatly appreciated!

Hooray, the assessments are completed and entered in the computer system!  Your child will bring a copy of the assessment results in his/her homework folder on Monday. Also, the reading calendar for February will come home with this week’s homework.  I wish I could meet with each of you individually and explain any questions you may have. Remember that if your child writes a letter or number backwards, it is not considered “mastered” even though reversals are “age appropriate” in kindergarten.  FSF stands for First Sound Fluency, PSF stands for Phoneme Segmentation Fluency and NWF stands for Nonsense Word Fluency.  Each is a timed one-minute test.
   Please return the completed January calendar with your child by Monday, February 6th.
Our school will be having a read-a-thon celebration towards the end of the year.  We are encouraging students to read on a consistent basis.  Please make sure to read with your child or have him/her read to you a minimum of 15 minutes a day, five days a week.  We will keep track of the leveled library books and reading calendars that are turned in consistently to determine who is eligible to attend the party. This is a fun, worthwhile motivator and we hope every student will meet the requirements to attend.  Please help your child accomplish this goal by supporting them in their reading!


Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Kindergarten News

Jan. 23-27

Upcoming Events
Monday, Jan. 23—Fluoride
Tuesday, Jan. 24—Library
Thursday, Jan. 26—Computers 
Friday, Jan. 27—Music/P.E.

Weekly Theme:

We are finished with the assessments/DIBELS and benchmark reading levels. I will send a copy of the results home with your child as soon as they are entered into the computer system.

Our PTA is sponsoring a food drive to help our local food pantry.  Students are encouraged to bring canned and packaged foods to our classroom this week and then the food will be delivered to the pantry. The winning class gets a party and the winning school gets 500 free tickets to athletic events at SUU.
In addition, South Elementary will have a McDonald’s Fundraiser on January 30th.  Please come and eat at McDonald’s that evening and help bring a portion of the money earned back to our school.
February 6-10 is Family Week.  Monday is Family Movie Night--more information will follow.
We will continue to learn our kindergarten sight words and produce many stories using these words in text.  Your children are certainly great readers and writers!  It is exciting to see their progress in all areas of the curriculum.
Thank you for all you are doing to help ensure a quality education for your child.  Helping your child complete the homework packets and reading consistently are vital in providing the best education possible!  

Monday, January 16, 2012

Kindergarten News

Jan. 16-20

Upcoming Events

Monday, Jan. 16—Martin Luther King Day (NO SCHOOL)
Tuesday, Jan. 17—Library
Thursday, Jan. 19—Computers 
Friday, Jan. 20—Music/P.E.
Weekly Theme:

Thanks for collecting box tops and sending them in with your children.  It helps earn money for our school and is greatly appreciated!

We will finish up with the assessments of each of the students this week.  I will send the results home in your child’s homework folder when we finish the testing.  Each student is progressing nicely and I appreciate your support at home in helping your child have a successful year.

 We will be learning about whales and other sea mammals this week.  We will also focus on subtraction, recognizing and writing numerals 21-30, learning more sight words and practicing our writing techniques.  The students are working hard in each area of the curriculum.  We are also emphasizing the importance of always doing nice, neat work.

During our P.E. time this week, Miss Taylor is letting each child bring a toy from home to play with.  Please make sure it is something that will not get broken.

Have a wonderful week and please call or e-mail with any questions or concerns.                    

Friday, January 6, 2012

Kindergarten News

Jan. 9-13

Upcoming Events
Monday, Jan. 9--Fluoride
Tuesday, Jan. 10—Library
Thursday, Jan. 12—Computers  )
Friday, Jan. 13—Music/P.E.
Weekly Theme:

Early Literacy Idea
Encourage your child to write the names of the people in your family.  Drawing pictures to go along with the names is fun too!

We had a great week back in school and the students are adjusting well after the long break.  January is a good learning time and I am excited to see the continued progress of your wonderful children.  Each one is making progress!
This week is a big one for us—each student will be evaluated on DIBELS (Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills), the Kindergarten Assessment and Benchmarking for reading ability.  I will let you know the results after each student has been tested. 
We will continue to work hard at school and I appreciate the time and dedication you are putting into your child’s education at home too!  We started guided reading groups this week.  It is exciting that the students are ready for this!
We will continue to talk about winter, Antarctica and penguins. We will discuss the characteristics of wintertime, fascinating facts about Antarctica, and learn about penguins and how to categorize animals according to similarities and differences.  We will conclude that there are many different types of animals found around the world.
A big thank you to those helping with centers.  I couldn’t do it without you!  Also, again THANKS to all of you for your help and support at home! Please let me know of any questions or concerns.    
