Friday, January 28, 2011

Kindergarten News
Jan. 31-Feb. 4
Weekly Theme:
Dental Health
Thank you for sending box tops!  It is certainly helping to earn money for our school and it is greatly appreciated!
Wow, we have had a busy two weeks!  We have administered the Kindergarten Assessment, DIBELS, and benchmarked the students on their individualized reading levels.  The kids have been troopers!  Thanks for your help at home and for working with your child on important concepts they need to learn.  It makes such a difference if they know education and learning are top priorities at home as well as at school!

The February reading calendar will come home in your child’s Monday homework folder.  Please send the completed January calendar back to school by Friday, Feb. 4 for the free pizza certificate.

Have a wonderful week and thanks again for all you do!