Saturday, September 24, 2016

Kindergarten NEWS
 September 26-30

Upcoming Events
Monday, Sept.26 :  Fluoride and Library

Thursday, Sept. 29: P.E./Music  (Remember to have your child wear shoes appropriate for P.E.)

Monday, Oct. 3-Friday, Oct. 7:  SEP Week  (See further information below)

Friday Treat Day Assignment
Sept. 30—AM Class: JaCoy Robinson
         PM Class: Lis Williams 

Early Literacy Idea
Have your child predict what a story will be about.

  Thank you for your support and helping to make your child’s education a positive experience!  I appreciate you spending the time to help them with their homework packet and also reading with them on a regular basis.  It makes such a difference! 
      The Kindergarten students will have the following schedule every day (including Wednesday) for SEP Week, Oct. 3-7.
·      8:50-10:50 AM students
·      12:30-2:30 PM students
·      8:50-2:30 Extended Day students
         I look forward to meeting with each of you and your delightful kindergartner.  Please look in your child’s homework folder on Monday, Sept. 26th for your individual SEP times and return the form as soon as possible.
         As always, please feel free to contact me any time with any questions or concerns.  Have a wonderful week.

Monday, September 19, 2016

Kindergarten NEWS
 September 19-23

Upcoming Events
Monday, Sept. 19:  Fluoride

Thursday, Sept. 22: P.E./Music  (Remember to have your child wear shoes appropriate for P.E.)

Friday, Sept. 23:  School Picture Day

Monday, Oct. 3-Friday, Oct. 7:  SEP Week

Friday Treat Day Assignment
Sept. 16—AM Class: Michelle Nielson
         PM Class:  Heather Jones

Early Literacy Idea
Help develop comprehension skills by talking with your child about the story and the pictures.

      During SEP Week, (Oct. 3-7) I look forward to meeting with each of you individually to discuss the progress of your student.  Please bring him/her with you at the appointed time.  I will be sending home the paper and additional information with your child soon.  The Kindergarten students will have the following schedule every day (including Wednesday) for SEP Week:
·      8:50-10:50 AM students
·      12:30-2:30 PM students
·      8:50-2:30 Extended Day students
      Please continue to save your box tops!  They are found on many food items and other items that you purchase regularly.  Just cut them out and send them to school with your child.  Each box top collected is worth 10 cents for our school, so tell your relatives and friends to help with the collecting too!
         THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT AT HOME!  Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns.  HAVE A GREAT WEEK!


Sunday, September 11, 2016

Kindergarten NEWS
 September 12-16

Upcoming Events
Monday, Sept. 12:  Fluoride

Monday, Sept. 12:  PTA Movie Night

Monday, Sept. 12:  Starving Student money due or returning the envelope with the card left inside if you did not purchase it.

Monday, Sept. 12:  Book Orders Due

Thursday, Sept. 15: P.E./Music  (Remember to have your child wear shoes appropriate for P.E.)

Friday Treat Day Assignment
Sept. 16—AM Class: Sun Fang Zhou
                PM Class:  Daneene Taylor

Early Literacy Idea
Help your child listen for sounds by
reading together rhymes, poetry, nursery rhymes, and stories that “play” with language.


      Kindergarten is a great place to be!  Your children are doing well and are making progress in every area of the curriculum.  I appreciate your support at home.  Thank you for your help with homework and reading nightly with your child.
         I would love it if you could help reinforce the fact that our names (with one or two exceptions) start with a capital and all the rest of the letters are lowercase.  Many of them are used to writing all capitals.  This is a hard habit to break, but with consistency both from home and at school, all of the students will have it mastered soon. 
         The routine and management skills are coming along nicely as well. These darling five and six year olds are settling into school and they are understanding the importance of not only doing their best but allowing others to do the same.  Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns! 


Saturday, September 3, 2016

Kindergarten NEWS
 September 5-9

Upcoming Events
Monday, Sept. 5:  Labor Day (No School)

Thursday, Sept. 8: P.E./Music  (Remember to have your child wear shoes appropriate for P.E.)

Friday Treat Day Assignment
Sept. 9—AM Class: Hillary Carter
             PM Class:  Darrick Kirk

Early Literacy Idea
Help your child understand how books work by pointing to words to show left to right, spaces between words and word patterns.

      Thank you for sharing your children with me!  Each one has a special place in my heart already!  I love being with them each day and seeing them learn and grow!
         We have worked hard on establishing a routine and effective classroom management skills so optimal learning will occur with each child.  They are understanding more and more each day how we all work together, respect one another, and make smart choices.
         Our CKLA (literacy program) is working well as we continue to discover that the English language writing system represents sounds with letters.  They are realizing that sounds are combined to form words, which is important for both reading and writing.
         Your child should be able to form the numerals 1-4 correctly and understand the relationship between numbers and quantities.  For example, pairing each object they are counting with one and only one number name with one and only one object. 
         Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns! 
