Friday, March 27, 2015

Kindergarten NEWS
 March 30-April 3
Upcoming Events
Monday, March 30--Fluoride
Tuesday, March 31--Classroom Easter Party
Wednesday, April 1-Friday, April 3—Spring Break.  NO SCHOOL

Weekly Theme:
Non-living things--wind

End of Year Program
Our Kindergarten End of Year Program will be on Friday, May 15th at 10:30 AM for the morning classes and 2:30 PM for the afternoon classes.

         Time is going so quickly!  We only have eight weeks of school left!  I love these kids and I will miss them when they go.  We will be doing lots of important learning during these last weeks.  Please continue to make school an important priority.  Every child has made remarkable improvements since the beginning of the year.  Thank you for your support at home—it is greatly appreciated!
         I will be placing a Scholastic book order in a couple of weeks. I will send the flyers home in your child’s homework folder.  It will be done on line and that information is also on the flyers. The order will close on Monday, April 13th. 
         Please return the march reading calendar with your child’s reading time recorded on it for the free pizza.  Remember our goal is 15 minutes a night for five nights a week (300 minutes a month).
         THANKS for all you do!  Please call with any questions or concerns.  

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Kindergarten NEWS
 March 16-20
Upcoming Events
Monday, March 16--Fluoride
Wednesday, March 18—Library 
Wednesday, March 18—KINDERGARTEN REGISTRATION.  See below for more details.
Wednesday, April 1-Friday, April 3—Spring Break.  NO SCHOOL

Weekly Theme:
Non-living things--rocks

End of Year Program
Our End of Year Program will be on Friday, May 15th at 10:30 AM for the morning classes and 2:30 PM for the afternoon classes.

      Please remember we have been asked to keep our outside doors locked for safety purposes.  We have permission to unlock them from 12:40-12:50.  If your child attends afternoon kindergarten, please bring him/her during these times.  The teachers have their lunch breaks and are often not in their rooms until this time.  We do not want children in our rooms unattended. 
          Kindergarten registration will be held on Wednesday, March 18th from 12:30-3:00 in the school gym.  Please tell your friends and family who have a child turning 5 by September 1st to come and register their child so we will have an accurate count.

Friday, March 6, 2015

Kindergarten NEWS
 March 9-13
Upcoming Events
Monday, March 9--Fluoride
Wednesday, March 11—Library 
Wednesday, April 1-Friday, April 3—Spring Break.  NO SCHOOL
Weekly Theme:
Non-living things

Early Literacy Idea
Let your child write you a story!  Remind them to start with a capital, use spaces in between words and end with an ending mark.

              Thank you for coming to your SEP Conferences!  It was wonderful to meet with each of you!  I sure appreciate the help and support that you give to each of your children and to me!  It is a pleasure to know each of you!
         It is exciting to see the growth in each student as we continue to work hard and prepare for first grade.  We will begin our unit on non-living things and continue to work hard in all areas of the curriculum. 
         Have a wonderful week!

Monday, March 2, 2015

Kindergarten NEWS
 March 2-6

Upcoming Events
Monday, March 2-Friday, Friday, March 6—SEP WEEK
Monday, March 2--Fluoride
Wednesday, March 4—Library  

Weekly Theme:
Health and Nutrition

Early Literacy Idea
Read lots of different types of books with your child—(informational, fiction, science) etc.

              Because of SEP Week, Center times will change slightly for the PM class.  On Wednesday, Center time will be from 1:30-2:00 and on Thursday from 12:45-1:15.  SEP Week will be held March 2nd-6th. Kindergarten will be held from 8:50-10:50 for the morning class and 12:30-2:30 for the afternoon class every day during SEP Week.  This is the schedule for Wednesday (Early Out Day) too!  I look forward to meeting with each of you to discuss the progress of your child.
             Also, there will be a book fair during SEP Week that is located in the school gym.   Thank you PTA for making this happen!  We have a wonderful PTA at South and appreciate all the amazing activities and opportunities they provide for our students.