Saturday, September 28, 2013

Kindergarten News
September 30-Oct. 4

Upcoming Events
Monday, Sept. 30-Friday, Oct. 4—SEP WEEK

Monday, Sept. 30--Fluoride

Wednesday, Oct. 2—Library

Thursday, Oct. 3—P.E./Music

Our schedule for this week:
AM Classes: 8:50-10:50
PM Classes:  12:30-2:30

Thank you so much for your support and help at home with the success of your child’s school experience!  You really do make such a difference!  We are having a great time learning and I am enjoying each one of your children.  Every one of them has something special to contribute to our class!

Thanks especially for reading with your child at home!  Reading aloud to your child is fundamental to his/her learning to read and being excited about reading.  Please continue to read at least 15 minutes a day, five nights a week with your child.  You may send back your initialed September reading calendar with your child for their prize.  Remember you can count the minutes you are reading to them as well as what they read to you.

Please let me know of any questions or concerns you may have!


Friday, September 20, 2013

Kindergarten News
 September 23-27

Upcoming Events

Monday, Sept. 23--Fluoride

Wednesday, Sept. 25—Library

Thursday, Sept. 26—P.E./Music

Monday, Sept. 30-Friday, Oct. 4—SEP WEEK

Weekly Theme:

We will begin Centers on Monday, Oct. 7th.  If you volunteered to help, thank you so very much!  We could not do it without you!  A more detailed note is attached to your child’s homework packet if you signed up to help.

We have been learning sight words and know the following words: me, see, I, can, like.  Please ask your child to read these words to you.  It might be fun to put them on 3 x 5 index cards and use them as flash cards as well.  I will keep you updated with more sight words as we learn them so you can reinforce them at home.  Thank you for your support!
       The Iron County School District was given a grant through the state of Utah that allows all Kindergarten students to participate in a program called Waterford.  It is a literacy based computer program that we will be participating in four days a week for twenty minutes a day.  It is a research-based program and the results are very beneficial!  Please remember the importance of having your child at school every day.
During SEP Week (Sept. 30-Oct. 4), we will not have individual appointments for Kindergarten students because of their assessments in August.  However, if there are concerns and you want to meet with me, I would love to do that!  You can e-mail or call me and let me know.  Remember that the students will still be dismissed early. Students will be dismissed every day at 10:50 for AM students and 2:30 for PM students.  PM students will attend from 12:30-2:30, EVEN ON EARLY OUT WEDNESDAYS—NOT THE USUAL TIME from 11:30-1:30. Extended Day students in Mrs. Hermansen’s class will stay until 2:30 as well.


Saturday, September 14, 2013

Kindergarten News
September 16-20

Upcoming Events

Monday, Sept. 16—Computers and fluoride

Wednesday, Sept. 18—Library

Thursday, Sept. 19—P.E./Music

Monday, Sept. 30-Friday, Oct. 4—SEP WEEK

Weekly Theme:
School and Community Helpers

We will begin Centers on Monday, Oct. 7th.  If you volunteered to help, thank you so very much!  We could not do it without you!

Your kindergarten students will bring their Pre-Assessment results home on Monday in their homework folders.  Please take some time and look it over.  Your child should recognize all 26 letters—both upper and lower case by the end of November.  We have covered the letters A-E so far in class.  Keep in mind that if they write the letters or numbers backwards, it is not considered mastered. Also, this pre-assessment was administered several weeks ago so some of the concepts that were not mastered at that time have now changed. 

During SEP Week (Sept. 30-Oct. 4), we will not have individual appointments for Kindergarten students because of their assessments in August.  However, if there are concerns and you want to meet with me, I would love to do that!  You can e-mail or call me and let me know.  Remember that the students will still be dismissed early. Students will be dismissed every day at 10:50 for AM students and 2:30 for PM students.  PM students will attend from 12:30-2:30, EVEN ON EARLY OUT WEDNESDAYS—NOT THE USUAL TIME from 11:30-1:30. Extended Day students in Mrs. Hermansen’s class will stay until 2:30 as well.


Thursday, September 5, 2013

Kindergarten News
September 9-13

Upcoming Events
Monday, Sept. 9—“Back To School Bash” sponsored by the PTA
Monday, Sept. 9—Fall Pictures
Monday, Sept. 9—Computers
Wednesday, Sept. 11—Library
Thursday, Sept. 12—P.E./Music

Weekly Theme
Wants and Needs

Literacy Idea
Play with letters!  Magnetic letters are good for word play.  Also, let your child trace letters in sand, salt, rice, etc. as they say both the letter name and sounds.

Kindergarten is a great place to be!  We have practiced the correct way to write the letters Aa, Bb, and what sounds they make.  Please continue to reinforce having your child write their name using a capital for the first letter and all the rest lower case.  We will work on the letters Cc, Dd, and Ee this week.  Your child should be able to write both capital and lower case letters correctly (please remember to stress the importance of forming them from top to bottom) and tell the sound each letter makes.  We are also learning poems to go along with every letter.  Ask your child to share a poem they have learned with you!

I will send home book orders several times during the year.  Our first one will be in your child’s homework folder on Monday, Sept. 9th.  If you would like to order books, you can do it on line at My code is DY9MJ or you can send the completed order form and money back to school with your child. Please make one check to Scholastic Reading club.  They do not accept cash.  I will close the order on Wednesday, Sept. 18th.

THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT AT HOME!  Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns.  HAVE A GREAT WEEK!